Lectura Nivel 1
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Nivel 5
We huddle together on the deck trying to see through a blanket of fog. Such a dreary, overcast day. The weather was - 1. Unpleasant 2. Hot 3. Lovely 4. Changeable
What is unpleasant?
Saturdays are always bad. Almost 6 million people in Rio and all heading for the beach. You will be lucky to find a tiny patch of sand! But Carlos and Eva will take good care of you! The beach is _____. 1. fancy 2. ugly 3. crowded 4. large
What is crowded?
"It's so hard for me to get up and down the stairs these days." Mrs. Cottler said. She had already said it three or four time that afternoon. "it's my legs. I'm in pretty good shape except for these old legs." Mrs. Cottler legs are ____. 1. weak 2. lean 3. special 4. comfortable
What is weak?
New Delhi is the capital of India. Long ago, the rulers of India lived in New Delhi. They built many palaces and temples. New Delhi is _____-. 1. warm 2. noisy 3. old 4. tiny
What is old?
Lions belong to the Felidae Family. A family is a group of animals with similar features. People call members of this family big cats. Tigers are the only big cats larger than lions. Lions and tigers are ____. 1. ugly 2. related 3. slow 4. mean
What is related?
The restaurant was crowded despite the threatening weather outside.Brenda seldom went out on a school night.But tonight she'd decided she just had to get out of the house. Her night out was- 1.Scary 2.Unusual 3.Hurried 5.Short
What is unusual?
We let them go first.I hold one safety rope,Marco holds the other. Aysha and Phil move up the cliff steadily.Sometimes they call out to each other,suggesting good,safe holds. They are - 1.Painting 2.Washing 3.Climbing 4.Cashing
What is climbing?
Michelle was walking on air when she left the classroom.She rushed to find Randy to share the good news.She spotted him walking down the hall and shouted to him.He stopped and waited for her to catch up. Michelle couldn't control her - 1.Excitement 2.Sorrow 3.Anger 4.Fear
What is excitement?
Our classroom has a lot of weird,interesting stuff in it.There's a complete human skeleton hanging in the corner.Not a plastic model,either.It's a real one.On her desk,Mrs.Coleman-Levin keeps a glass jar with a pig brain in it. The classroom is - 1.Empty 2.Different 3.Warm 4.Large
What is different?
Owls can be many colors.Most are gray or brown with some white markings.Colored feathers make owls hard to see.They make the owls blend into their surroundings.It is hard for enemies to spot the owls.It is also hard for prey to see owls that are hunting. Owls feathers help them - 1. hide 2. swim 3. sleep 4. breathe
What is hide?
Back in the wrestling room, we paired off for the stance. I grabbed Bamberger, the 105-pound seventh-grader. I was starting to feel comfortable with him. Plus, I could boss him. He was timid, even for a seventh grader. I______ Bamberger. 1. intimidated 2. followed 3. respected 4. portected
What is intimidated?
Some people love making snowballs. So do snow monkeys! These furry creatures live high in the mountains of Japan. Like humans, the monkeys make snowballs for fun. Masashi Mochida recently spent three months taking photos of them. "they look a lot like children playing. it amazes me how they are so similar to us," he says. They _____ the snow. 1. enjoy 2. melt 3. avoid 4. swallow
What is enjoy?
Molten rock called magma comes from very deep under the earth's crust. This crust is not all in one place. It is in large slabs called plates. The plates move- but very slowly. A plate may move only half an inch in a year, but its force is very strong. Nothing can stop it. A shifting plate is - 1. powerful 2. helpful 3. funny 4. troublesome
What is powerful?
Dusa's foot began a rhythmic tapping on the floor. Pearl gave her a startled glance. Her right hand caught Dusa's tray as it began to slide off the girl's lap. Pearl fielded her own tray onto her side table and put Dusa's dinner on the floor; her daughter's eyes never wavered from the woman on the screen. Dusa ____ her tray. 1. ignored 2. carried 3. cleaned 4. prepared
What is ignored?
The grass near the picnic tables was dotted with small white flowers. And the flowers were covered with bees-large yellow and black bees. Up close, you could see that they were acting strange. You could tell that there was something wrong with them. They were buzzing loudly and were angry. The bees were- 1. scary 2. healthy 3. pretty 4. hidden
What is scary?
Down time. That's what the kids in the Bullet Inn called this time of the day. It was when all the teachers and other staff members had come in and had their lunch. Clean up was over. Everybody was waiting for the bell to ring to signal seventh period at Fleming High School. It was a time when everyone was - 1. relaxed 2. busy 3. alone 4. unhappy
What is relaxed?
Because Ben is blind, he has a guide named Bill. Bill is a Jack Russell terrier. So is Ben. In February, a dog-pound owner found the dog living on the streets of Averley, England. The pooches, both about 4 years old, had formed a special bond. Now, when Ben needs help getting around, he grabs hold of the back of Bill's neck, and Bill helps lead him. One dog ____ the other. 1. disturbs 2. obeys 3. supports 4. observes
What is support?
Professor Huosheng Hu's fish robots can swim around on their own. No one has to control them. Hu hopes to put someone of these robots into the ocean. Like the other robots,m they fish will have a job. They will look for pollution like oil leaks from ships. Then people can come and clean the dirty water. The robots will ____ pollution. 1. remove 2. trap 3. locate 4. avoid
What is locate?
There were billboards along the wall of the station. Harry walked down the platform and looked at each one for clue number 2. He neared the middle. Nothing. He kept reading each one. He looked closely for any writing other than the sign's message. Still nothing. Harry's search for the clue was ____. 1. unsuccessful 2. painful 3. tiring 4. amusing
What is unsuccessful?
Getting a drink isn't easy for the gecko lizard. It lives on dry desert sand dunes on the west coast of Africa. Early each morning , cool air form the ocean comes in and hits the warn desert air. A mist forms. The gecko stands in the mist. It lets drop of water form on its eyeballs. Then it licked the drops off. Mm, refreshing! The fog is ___ for the animals survival. 1. troubling 2. necessary 3. unpleasant 4. difficult
What is necessary?
Artist H.A. Schult hates to see garbage when he goes to the beach.He decided to do something about it.Last summer,Schult built a hotel from trash found on beaches.The hotel had five rooms and was made from 12,000 pounds of garbage.It was open for four days in Rome,Italy.Schult hopes that people who saw the hotel will stop littering."We have to change the world before the world changes us,"he said. Schult wanted to make the public- 1.aware 2.welcome 3.polite 4.hopeful
What is aware?
I was thumbing through magazines and found the picture of the building.I really liked the texture of the bricks and how the different stores had graffiti.I decided to make a collage with the photograph.I added pictures of schoolchildren.I layered them of top of the image of the building.The kid's faces give the building the sense that it has many stories to tell.The imagines work perfectly together. The artist______ photographs. 1.Sprayed 2.Replaced 3.Gathered 4.Shipped
What is gathered?
She reached up and gingered explored her left temple with her fingers.There was a large bandage taped there.That was something;some care had been taken.She felt its edges;then a soft center of cotton.Beneath-She inhaled in a rapid little pant,and then took her hand down and tried to regulate her breathing again.She longed to curl up into a tight ball but was afraid to move.It wasn't just her head.Her whole body ached,as if she'd been thrown down a flight of stairs. She was - 1.Hurt 2.Friendly 3.Busy 4.Proud
What is hurt?
Everyone looked up to George.sometimes George would choose games for his classmates to play."George is a natural-born leader,"his schoolmaster would say.In school George liked to read and to write.He liked numbers.But he liked to make maps and measure land best of all.This is called surveying.George practiced by measuring the vegetable gardens on his farm.Many farmers wanted George to survey their land.It would help them to know how much seed to buy when it was time to plant their crops. Everyone ______George. 1.Respected 2.Fooled 3.Studied 4.Warned
What is respected?
Did you ever forget to return a library book? The first U.S president,George Washington,did. On October 5,1789, Washington borrowed a book called The Law of Nations from New York Society Library. Now, 221 years later,librarians discovered that he never return it!Washington's home in Virginia is now a museum. People who work there gave the library another copy of the long-overdue book. Luckily,they were not charged a fine.That could have cost about $300,000! The book was- 1.Dull 2.Late 3.Brief 4.Convenient
What is late?