Cause and Effect
Meaning of Words
Before and After
Sidney got detention when the teacher caught her texting in class. What is the cause? What is the effect?
Cause: Sidney got detention Effect: She was texting in class
Keanan approached Malcolm tentatively with his suggestion. (What can be inferred about Keanan?)
What is "Keanan is nervous about how Malcolm will react."
After giving he masses one last chance to pay their respects, the leader's body was interred. (interred) a. entered b. buried c. left d. taken away
What is 'to bury' synonym: entomb, inhume, sepulcher
Things didn't look so great at the beginning of the game, though. (Predict what event came BEFORE)
What is the game ended well.
The Bulls won the NBA championship with a combination of persistence and skill. What is the cause? What is the effect?
Cause: They were persistent ans skilled Effect: Bulls won the NBA championship
Jaimie left a million messages for Angie, but she hasn't called her back. (What can be inferred about Jaimie)
What is "Jaimie really wants to talk to Angie."
The teacher's attempts to quiet the class were inefficacious; she seemed invisible as the students continued to yell and leave their seats. (inefficacious) a. successful b. insensitive c. effective d. unproductive
What is unproductive synonyms; ineffective, incompetent
Nobody thought Sue would get into Yale. (Predict what will come next)
What is a discussion about how Sue got into Yale OR a description of what Sue did to get into Yale
Angie knew she was a perfect match, so she only applied to one school. What is the effect? What is the cause?
Effect: Angie only applied to one school Cause: She knew she was a perfect match
India soothed Heavenly's feelings with a solo. (What can be inferred about Heavenly)
What is "she is upset about something"
No matter how disruptive the children became, the babysitter remained imperturbable. (imperturbable) a. unflappable b. annoyed c. concerned d. frantic
What is unflappable. synonyms: cool, unshakably calm and cool
Scholars have conflicting theories about Melville's intentions in Pierre. (Predict what will come next)
What is a discussion on some of those conflicting theories.
Rasheed had to go to the doctor for a sporadic pain in his ankle. What is the effect? What is the cause?
Effect: Rasheed went to the doctor Cause: There was sporadic pain in his ankle
Still, I suppose Jamar is nice, all things considered. (What can be inferred)
What is 'the author is not sure whether Jamar is nice'
Jasmine's first visit to the Louvre left her speechless; the ineffable beauty of the painting silences her for hours afterwards. (ineffable) a. quiet b. gorgeous c. ineffective d. indescribable
What is indescribable synonyms: inexpressible, beyond words, indefinable
Still, I always order the same thing here. (Predict what event came before)
What is a list of the attractive options on a restaurant menu.
Barricades were built along the border so the troops went around them. What is the effect? What is the cause?
Effect: The troops went around Cause: Barricades were built along the route they would've taken
Camille was unmoved by Ryan's seemingly innocent expression. (what can be inferred about Ryan)
What is 'Camille believes Ryan is guilty'
If I always attend class, I can imbibe as much knowledge as possible. (imbibe) a. consume b. create c. hear d. teach
What is consume synonyms: assimilate, absorb, take in, receive into the mind
On the other hand, the longer route to the library is much less confusing. (Predict what came before)
What is one of the reasons why the shorter route might be advantageous to the longer route. ex. it takes less time to get there.