Author's Purpose/Message
Key Ideas
Text Features/Structures
Meaning of Words

An author gives facts about floods. What is the purpose?

to provide information about floods


After reading about floods, which of these could be a KEY idea?

Floods can be dangerous for animals.

Floods are a dangerous affect from a lot of rain.

Floods are a dangerous affect from a lot of rain.


A map title is called "Map of the Regions in Texas". What can you expect the map to show you?

All of the regions in Texas


The student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laughed. What is the meaning of witty?



If a boy was talking about a festival occurring on the street he lives, what kind of area/street can you infer that he lives? A busy or quiet street?

A busy street


The author tells a story about trying something new and then it turns out you like it. What could be the author's message?

It can be fun to try new things if we have the courage to do it.


What is the meaning of a "key idea"?

The BIG idea. Not small details.


Floods are dangerous events in which water can cause a lot of damage. However, there are ways we can prepare and recover from floods. What text structure did the author use?

Problem and Solution


The tower will topple if it has too much weight at the top. What is the meaning of topple?

Fall over


Yesterday, Tommy stated that his sister was not feeling well and did not come to school. Today, Tommy is not here. What can you infer?

Tommy probably got sick from his sister.


In a text about floods, the author stated in the first paragraph that floods are caused by a lot of rain in a small period of time. What what his purpose in saying this?

To explain the main reason floods occur.

To explain the definition of a drought.

To explain the main reason floods occur.


In which section of a text about floods might the reader find information about gardens in a flood?

Dangers to Homes in Floods

Planting to Beat Floods

Planting to Beat Floods

During the camping trip we had to conserve water so it would last the whole time. What is the meaning of conserve?



It stormed all night long. The next morning, the bus was late to pick me up for school. What can you infer?

It is possible, the roads were still bad, so traffic was backed up causing the bus to be late.


People that live in flood areas, should build drought tolerant homes. What could tolerant mean?

Able to survive