Citing Evidence
Theme/Central Idea
Unlikely Adventure

Language that cannot be taken literally. (ex - "you're pulling my leg, right?).

Figurative Language


A conclusion based off reasoning and facts

What is an inference?


What is the best definition of THEME?

a)A universal truth, lesson about life, or idea that the author wants to express.

b)The events that occur in the story
cThe author's reason for writing a story
dThe location and time of the story

A universal truth, lesson about life, or idea that the author wants to express.


1.In paragraph 5 the speaker is “close to tears.” How do her feelings change after she meets the deer?

A.The speaker becomes convinced that the deer is afraid of people.

B.The speaker becomes hopeful of finding the way out of the woods.

C.The speaker becomes relieved to find that all animals can sense danger.

D. The speaker becomes aware that the forest is not a place to have a family gathering. 

B.The speaker becomes hopeful of finding the way out of the woods.


Based on the information from paragraph 13, what inference can be made about why Edison built his laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey?

Edison wanted to show how he used the electric light systems.

Edison wanted to have sufficient space to create more inventions.

Edison wanted to demonstrate that he could become more famous.

Edison wanted to show that his assistants enjoyed working with him.

Edison wanted to have sufficient space to create more inventions.


a play for theater, radio, or television.



A comparison of two unlike things in which a word of comparison (like or as) is used (e.g. She eats like a bird.)



Evidence that directly stated



If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

What is the central idea?

a)There are many ways to make yourself feel better. b)Sometimes people feel sad.

c)We're not always happy.

d)You should do good things for others.

There are many ways to make yourself feel better.



2.Which paragraph conveys the speaker’s first awareness of the difficult situation in the woods?

A.paragraph 1

B.paragraph 2

C.paragraph 3

D.paragraph 5

C. Paragraph 3

Which paragraph introduces the idea that Edison did not succeed in his first invention but continued inventing anyway?

paragraph 2

paragraph 4

paragraph 6

paragraph 8

paragraph 6


Name three types of folk tales.

Tall tale, myth, legend


Writing that compares or describes without using 'like' or 'as'. (ex. -the man is a bulldozer;nothing can move him.)



What evidence supports the idea: best friends are always there for you?

a) Jennifer and Michelle make sure to copy off Jessica's homework.
b)Jessica and Jennifer always talk about Michelle when she isn't around.
c)Jessica is always talking about Jennifer behind her back.
d)Jessica always makes sure to help Jennifer and Michelle when they ask for support.

Jessica always makes sure to help Jennifer and Michelle when they ask for support.


Which one of the following is NOT a part of a summary?

a)using your own words

b)including main ideas or events only
c)summary being shorter than the text
d)exact words from the text

exact words from the text 


Which two sentences would be best to include in a summary of the passage?

A family enjoys a picnic in the woods together.

A deer watches as a girl follows her through the woods.

A girl follows rabbits into the woods and is unable to find her way out.

A deer helps to guide a lost girl through the woods and back to her family.

A girl with an interest in photography takes pictures of nature during a family picnic.

c. A girl follows rabbits into the woods and is unable to find her way out.

d. A deer helps to guide a lost girl through the woods and back to her family.


Which two examples does the author use to elaborate on the idea that Thomas Edison was a hard worker?

Al learned to love reading, a habit he kept for the rest of his life; he also liked to make experiments in the basement.” (paragraph 3)

“In the next seven years he moved over a dozen times, often working all night, taking messages for trains and even for the Union Army during the Civil War.” (paragraph 5)“

He recited the nursery rhyme 'Mary Had a Little Lamb,' and the phonograph played the words back to him.” (paragraph 9)“

In fact, it was one of the largest laboratories in the world, almost as famous as Edison himself.” (paragraph 13)“

Once, the 'chief mucker' worked for three days straight, taking only short naps.” (paragraph 13)Close

In the next seven years he moved over a dozen times, often working all night, taking messages for trains and even for the Union Army during the Civil War.” (paragraph 5)“

Once, the 'chief mucker' worked for three days straight, taking only short naps.” (paragraph 13)Close


highly imaginative fiction that uses strange or unusual characters, setting and plot:  dragons, magic, elves, etc...



The use of words whose sounds express or suggest their meaning. (ex. - "hiss" or "meow")



The Recreation Center is only open through Sundays-Thursdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Jackson wanted to play basketball there.

Based on the passage, at which time would Jackson be allowed to play basketball?

a)At 9:30 p.m. on Thursday

b)At 4:30 p.m. on Saturday

c)At 9:00 a.m. on Monday
d)At 2:30 p.m. on Friday

At 9:00 a.m. on Monday


Which of the following is an example of THEME?

Carry your laptops with two hands at all times.
Cereal is the healthiest food you can eat.
You can severely break your leg while crossing the street.
Life is short; make the most of it.

Life is short; make the most of it


Which two phrases help to illustrate the climax in the passage?

“billowing white clouds” (paragraph 1)

“relaxing afternoon with my family” (paragraph 2)

“causing me to flinch” (paragraph 3)

“inviting me to follow her” (paragraph 5)

“following as she led me” (paragraph 6)

“inviting me to follow her” (paragraph 5)

“following as she led me” (paragraph 6)


Which two details best support the idea that Edison’s success was due to his early interests and his hard work?

"In 1854, when he was seven, the family moved to Michigan, where Edison spent the rest of his childhood." (paragraph 2)

“He did so poorly that his mother, a former teacher, taught her son at home.” (paragraph 3)

“In his spare time, he took things apart to see how they worked.” (paragraph 5)

“Well into the night, laboratory buildings glowed with electric light while the Wizard and his ‘muckers’ turned Edison’s dreams into inventions.” (paragraph 13)

“By that time, everyone had heard of the ‘Wizard’ and looked up to him.” (paragraph 16)

“In his spare time, he took things apart to see how they worked.” (paragraph 5)

“Well into the night, laboratory buildings glowed with electric light while the Wizard and his ‘muckers’ turned Edison’s dreams into inventions.” (paragraph 13)


Writing which tells a story or relates events or dialogue



Something non-human which is given human qualities or human form (ex. Flowers danced about the lawn.)



It's a good thing we were all wearing seat belts when the turbulence hit.

Based on the text, which of the following most likely happened?

a)There are not enough details to answer the question.

b)A plane had gone through a terrible storm.
c)A boat went over some waves.
d)A family was on a road trip and hit a pothole.

A plane had gone through a terrible storm.


Conversation between characters



Which quotation from the passage supports the inference that the speaker realizes she needs help finding her way back to her family?

    "My family had the remainder of the day to spend together." (paragraph 2)

    "We usually follow a trail or path when we walk in the woods, but rabbits don't do that." (paragraph 3)

    "I started to panic, realizing I was walking in circles and tried to call my parents, only to find that there was no cell signal." (paragraph 4)

    "As we walked, I noticed a trail. I hesitated, thinking it might lead back to my family." (paragraph 7)

   "I started to panic, realizing I was walking in circles and tried to call my parents, only to find that there was no cell signal." (paragraph 4)


A judgment based on reasoning rather than on direct or actual statement.  A conclusion based on facts or circumstances.



A story intended to teach a moral lesson. Animals with human characteristics often serve as characters. 



An expression that cannot be understood if taken literally (ex- "Get your head out of the clouds")



Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often said.

What type of person is Alice?

a)Messy and sloppy

b)Clean and controlling
c)Sad and angry
d)Care free and calm

Clean and Controlling


What text features can give you a clue of what the central idea is?


b)All of these
d)Sub headings

All of these


What does the speaker imply about the deer when she states, "it was as if her affectionate facial expression was inviting me to follow her" in paragraph 5?

The deer knew that the speaker needed help.

The deer did not completely trust the speaker.

The deer knew that the speaker was frightened by her.

The deer wanted to join the speaker's journey through the woods

The deer knew that the speaker needed help.


The overall message, statement, observation or life lesson of a piece of literature including poetry.



a literary genre where the story takes place in the past

Historical Fiction


An exaggeration or overstatement (ex-I was so embarrassed I could have died.)



Which piece of evidence could BEST be used to prove this claim:

The government SHOULD decide what students eat for lunch.

a)The rules make lunches cheap for students, but they cost schools money.

b)School lunches, on average have only about 550 calories;however, lunches brought from home have about 850 calories.
c) The GAO report said that students in one district refused to eat school lunches for three weeks.

School lunches, on average have only about 550 calories;however, lunches brought from home have about 850 calories.

It is important to be able to separate the author's main ideas from his or her supporting details in order to determine central idea or to write a summary.







Which quotation suggests that the speaker is unsure if following the deer is a reasonable choice?

"The longer I looked at her, the more it seemed like she was trying to tell me something." (paragraph 5)

"I was unable to predict the best direction to go anyway, so following the deer was preferable to wandering alone." (paragraph 6)

"After a few moments, I fought the temptation to turn away from the deer and continued toward her." (paragraph 7)

"I followed her gaze and could see the clearing where my unique adventure began." (paragraph 8)

"After a few moments, I fought the temptation to turn away from the deer and continued toward her." (paragraph 7)


The use of a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or usual meaning, often sarcastically.



Short stories featuring mythical beings such as fairies, elves, and spirits.

Fairy Tale