Reader Response
Literature Discussion Groups
Discussion in the Classroom
Chapter Books & Novels
Literary Nonfiction
What is an aesthetic reading?
Emotions experienced or evoked while reading a piece of writing.
what is one effective technique for fostering a response to literature?
Discussion group
What is discussion moves?
statements that students can make to maintain a discussion or that the teacher can may make to foster effective discussion
When reading a chapter book, what chapter should you emphasize?
Chapter 1 will help give students a solid foundation for understanding the rest of the text.
Common Core State Standards recommends the reading of what kind of literature?
Literary nonfiction
What is efferent reading?
reading to comprehend information conveyed by a piece of writing.
How does the book define authentic questioning?
A question for which there is no definite answer or there are several possible answers
What is another way students can respond to literary works during discussions?
List 3 possible questions for novels?
EX: where does the story take place, how is the story told, who are the main characters....
What types of biographies are the most heavily circulated books in the children's departments of libraries?
Biographies of sports heroes and pop music stars.
During a class discussion, how should the teacher remain?
The teacher should remain neutral and not intervene with your interpretations?
What is a key strategy in discussions?
Going back to the text for clarification or to locate support for a position.
What are the two overall effective approaches for class discussion?
Junior Great Books and questioning the author
What does a plot chart show?
Shows the story problem, the main actions or events leading up to the problem, and the ending.
How can you motivate children to become interested in biographies?
Choose the right subject
Besides response journals, what are 3 other kinds of journals?
literary, double-entry, and dialogue journal
Some literature discussion groups incorporate what principle, that helps to provide more structure?
Cooperative learning
How might Folklore help students understand their own culture?
Every culture has produced its own folktales. Students can investigate those drawn from their own culture of their ancestors.
Fill in the blank: Developing the concept of theme is a ____-part process. AND describe the different parts.
-2 part processs - making generalizations from the text and seek support for these generalizations.
What is one advantage of nonfiction reading, when adapting instruction for struggling readers and writers?
Students do not need to read the entire book. They can read the part that interest them or that answer questions they have.
What are 5 different ways to eliciting reader response?
- Creating a reader response environment -Preparing to read the literary piece - Reading the literary piece -Small discussion groups -class discussion
Briefly describe Quality talk
- drawa from 9 high quality discussion approaches - teacher and student play important roles
What is the difference between Folklore and Folktales?
Folklore refers to tales, rituals, supersitions, nursery rhymes. Folktales are stories handed down orally from generation to generation. Including fairytales, myths, and tall tales.
The book gives 2 devices that can be used to analyze characters in a story. What are the two devices, and explain the way they work.
-Character chart- list facts that author uses to create a character (what the story says), and note what these factors reveal about the character (what the reader can infer). - Opinion-proof- readers write an opinion about a character and cite proof to back it up.
When using reading aloud, it is important to set up what?
it is important to set up routines for reading aloud, so that you do it at a certain time and for a designated period of time.