Word Parts
Story Time
What is an antonym for ancestors?
An antonym for ancestors is descendants.
The unicorn ran into the dark forest. What is the adjective in the sentence?
What was a character's name from the Whipping Boy?
Jemmy, Hold Your Nose Billy, Prince Brat, Cutwater, etc....
What is the title of the article?
The title is "Do Manners Matter."
What is an antonym for frequently?
Rare or Often.
At first my parents would not allow me to go to the movie with my friends, but they relented when I promised to be home before dinner. What part of speech is relented?
Rubin made a mental checklist: Do laundry. Go to supermarket and get groceries. Clean house. Fix hallway light. Change the bed sheets in guest room. Wrap presents. His parents were coming in the morning and he didn't know how he would get everything done. What can you infer from this passage?
Rubin is feeling stressed.
What was the setting of "Whodunit? Woo Knows"
Ms. Woo's Travel Agency Office.
What is the name of one heading from the article?
"A Code of Behavior" or "Who Cares?"
Word Analogy: Cat is to kitten as cow is to...
She carefully explained each point to her father, hoping to persuade him to change his mind. In which sentence does the word point mean the same as in the sentence above? a. Winning the championship was a special point in his life. b. The point of his speech was difficult to understand. c. A colored pencil needs to have a sharp point. d. It is not polite to point at other people.
As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. What can you infer from this passage? a. Jim is disorganized and forgetful. b. Jim is in the 4th grade. c. Jim takes the bus to school.
What was the cause of horses losing access to land in "Wild Horses?"
People built fences on the habitat of the wild horses, cutting off their access to food and water.
Who is P.M. Forni?
A Johns Hopkins University professor who is a politeness expert.
Which word best explains what awe means? The people watched with awe as the eagle flew above them. a. anger b. terror c. wonder
c. wonder
Give three examples of the suffix "-er" which means someone who does something.
teacher trucker seller (answers will vary)
"Troy stuttered, blushed and shook as he addressed the crowd." What can you infer about Troy from this statement?
Troy is nervous.
What is the theme of Mighty Jackie?
If you work hard at something, then you can achieve your dreams no matter who you are.
What is some evidence from the story that politeness is not that important?
The world has more serious problems. We have become more casual.
Laraina knew she could win the spelling bee, though the competitors she faced were definitely formidable; she heard them spell words she had never even heard of. What does formidable mean?
impressive, powerful
impoliteness impossible immune Which word does not use the prefix "im"?
The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. What can you infer from this passage? a. Kay had worked a long time. b. Kay had been feeling sick. c. Kay dislikes raking leaves.
Kay had worked a long time.
Give an example of cause and effect from "Mystic Horse."
Answers will vary.
What is the author's purpose and main idea of the article?
The purpose is to Inform and/or Persuade you that there is an issue about whether we need to work on manners in America.