Read-y or Not
Reading Types
Plan to Read
Love Notes Taking
Rando Review

This improves your vocabulary, general knowledge, spelling, and verbal fluency.

What is reading?


To introduce ourselves to new content and to gain greater comprehension of familiar content.

What are the reasons to read read books and other longer pieces of writing?


Students often underestimate this resource.

What is time needed to cover all required reading?


The one you will use consistently.

What is the very best notetaking system?


One bite at a time.

How do you eat an elephant?


Doing this improves ones chances of starting and completing college.

What is reading at or above reading level throughout grades 1 - 12?


Working with and trying to understand new content, concepts, and terminology may require you to do this.

What is scheduling more time to read?


Set a timer for five minutes, read, and count pages read in that time.

What is the way to calculate your reading rate?


An identifier that includes: the date, the course name, and the topic.

What is the minimum information to keep your notes organized?


These are 3 popular time management techniques.

What are the Daily 3, Pomodoro, and Eat the Frog?


These resources to improve your reading and notetaking may be human, electronic, or physical.

What are study aids?


Other than an internet search, journals, magazines, newspapers, legal documents, historic letters, diaries and microfilm are some examples.

What are reading materials to research and learn about a new  topic?


The process of rereading to identify what points the author is emphasizing.

What is recursive reading?


This simple and effective notetaking system was created by Dr. Walter Pauk in the 1940s. 

What is the Cornell Method of notetaking?


Less is more.

What is the best strategy when it comes to note annotations?


These are some examples of small items read for immediate information.

What are notes, emails, and directions to an unfamiliar place or locale?


This technique can help you identify what you already know about a topic and what may be new information.

What is skimming?


Surveying, Questioning, Reading, Reciting, and Reviewing are the core elements of this study system.

What is SQ3R


This system incorporates Roman numerals for main topics, and capital letters and numbers for sub-topics and supporting info is particularly well-suited to drafting essays and papers.

What is Outlining?


The three elements are critical to a productive work environment.

What are the right space, limiting distractions, and identifying the best time to study according to your  rhythms and preferences?


This academic journal published a study on the effects  reading novels has on the brain.

What is Brain Connectivity?


Thoroughly studying a subject and understanding a multitude of perspectives on that topic.

What makes a person an expert?


Annotating, questioning, summarizing, connecting, and visualizing are all elements of this process.

What is active reading?


This notetaking method may be preferred by visual learners.

What is Concept/Mind Mapping (Visual Notetaking)?


This is the most difficult and elusive part of time management. 

What is predicting how long a task will take? (p.78)