Figurative Language
Main Idea/Inferences
Author's Purpose/Perspecitive
An antonym for unhappy a) sad b) crying c) happy d) excited
What is happy
"She has hair like silk" is an example of what form of figurative language?
What is a simile
"Oh, no! said Joy, as her brother Doyle bumped into her. He was holding a can of orange soda and spilled some on her dress. "Now what will I do?" Joy had been excited about the party, but now she was upset. Why is Joy upset?
What is because she has a spot on her dress.
Spinach is probably the most disgusting food I have ever eaten. It doesn't look or smell good, and it doesn't taste good either. Spinach should be saved for Popeye and hungry rabbits. I'd rather eat broccoli. In this passage, what is the author's perspective on spinach?
What is the author doesn't like to eat spinach
If you needed to look up the definition of a word, you would look in a
What is dictionary
A synonym for grateful a) helpful b) hopeful c) faithful d) thankful
What is thankful
"The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house in", is an example of
What is personification or onomatopoeia
This was the first time Jim would travel on an airplane. He was very excited. He packed carefully because he didn't want to forget a thing. The first thing he packed was his passport. Jim also packed a little first-aid kit with bandages and asprin. Based on the information in the passage, give an example of a place Jim MOST LIKELY will be traveling to
What is any location outside the country. Because Jim packed his passport, we can infer that he is traveling outside the country.
Spinach is a leafy vegetable. People eat it raw or cooked. It is related to Swiss chard and beets. Originally, spinach came from southwest Asia. Persians used it for medicine. The English began growing it in the 1500's. Spinach is a source of vitamin C. The author wrote this passage to
What is to inform
A part of a book that provides definitions to vocabulary words in the passage
What is the glossary
A synonym for BOISTEROUS
What is A) float; B) fickle; C) energetic
"Her belly is a basketball", is an example of what form of figurative language
What is metaphor
Michelle and Terrie decided to be a part of the Cancer Walk in their town. The two friends got permission from their families. Then they asked friends and neighbors to sponsor them and donate money for each mile they walked. The girls explained how the money would pay for cancer research. They called as many people as they could. Most people were happy to donate. Because of their careful planning, Michelle's and Terrie's participation in the Cancer Walk was a success. What is the MAIN IDEA of this passage?
What is that Michelle's and Terrie's Cancer Walk was a success.
Students should go to school year-round to provide more time to prepare for PSSA's. Summer break is too long, and students often forget what they have learned over the summer months. If students go to school year-round, they can improve their PSSA scores. The author's purpose is to
What is persuade
The root word of cleanliness is
What is clean
An antonym for PRESTIGIOUS
What is A) disrespected; B) significant; C) imperative
"It's raining cats and dogs", "kicked the bucked", "break a leg", and "up the creek without a paddle", are examples of
What are idioms
My math teacher, Mr. Reyman, always comes up with really great ideas. Take for example our assignment last weekend. We thought he'd ask us to study for the upcoming test. Instead, on Friday he says, "Some of you have questioned our need to study fractions and how often people really use them in everyday life. So to answer your query, I want you to go on a fraction hunt this weekend!". What can you infer from this paragraph? a. Mr. Reyman is a new teacher in the school. b. The kids need to practice for the school musical. c. There's an important math test coming up soon. d. Most of the kids don't understand meteorology.
What is B
Dear Editor, Something needs to be done about our littering problem. When I drove down the street, the sides of the road were filled with paper, cans, and other trash. It is messy and unhealthy. Sincerely, James Miller What is the purpose of this letter? How does the author feel about littering?
What is to persuade; he doesn't like litter because it is messy and unhealthy.
Author's write to
What is entertain, persuade, and inform
Many early explorers wanted to live in the land that is now Pennsylvania. Starting in the 1600's, people from England, Holland, and Sweden argued over who could set up a government in the region. By 1684, though, William Penn and the Dutch gained ownership of the land and built a permanent settlement there. A synonym for SETTLEMENT in this passage is:
What is A) village; B) farm; C) house
"The bear has teeth as sharp as razors" is a simile that compares what two nouns?
What is the teeth and razors
Mary was very proud of her garden. She'd planted the seeds early in the spring and tended to the plants every day since then. She pulled the weeds so they'd have lots of space. She knew that the plants needed plenty of water, so she watered them every day too. Last Saturday her friend Pam called early in the morning and invited Mary to spend the day at the mall. They left early and spent the day there, even taking in a movie. Pam then invited Mary to sleep over Saturday night too, and she happily accepted. When Mary arrived home on Sunday afternoon, her beautiful plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? And what evidence can you use to support your answer?
What is the plants were droopy because Mary didn't water them. We can infer this because she stated that the plants needed plenty of water.
About 17 million children and adults in the United States suffer from asthma, a condition that makes it hard to breathe. Today it is a problem that is treatable with modern medicine. In days gone by, there were many different superstitions about how to cure asthma. Some people thought that eating crickets with a little wine would help. Eating raw cat's meat might be the cure. Another idea was to gather some spiders' webs, roll them into a ball, and then swallow them. People also thought that if you ate a diet of only boiled carrots for two weeks, your asthma might go away. This carrot diet may actually have done some good for asthma patients, since vitamin A in carrots is good for the lungs. The main purpose of the passage is to: a. Describe herbal remedies b. Explain some of the measures for treating asthma from long ago c. Define superstitions d. Extol the virtues of modern medicine e. Explain why asthma came about
What is B, to explain some of the measures for treating asthma from long ago.
Add a prefix to the word view to make a word that means to view before
What is PREview