Name that ELL Programs
Variables of SLA

A native English speaking group and a non-English group are both taught academic content in both languages fir an extended period of time. 

Two Way Immersion/Dual Language 


The process of acquiring a second language is influenced by different variables which mostly have negative effects on learners. The following objectives have been selected to study this situation in the Spanish academic context and in order to observe the role of teachers and students.

Study Objectives


Students attend mainstream classes for much pf the day and also meet separteky for about 3-10 hours a week in small groups with an ESL instructor who focuses on langauge devlopment. 

ESL Pullout 


defines anxiety as the fear which learners suffer when using the second language. Language anxiety is one of the most important factors which influences the success in the process of language learning (Horwitz,


Anxiety in second language acquisition


Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English is a program of instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, which is specially designed to provide ELL students with access to the curriculum.



The main part of language is communication. Teachers have to have communication with their students so it is necessary to take into account the affective domain.  

The roles of a teacher

A program where ELLs are taught literacy in the language a person regards as their native, home, and/or ancestral language. This covers indigenous languages (e.g. Arapaho and Shoshone) and immigrant languages (e.g. Spanish). The intent is to provide literacy skills that can then transfer to English language acquisition.

Heritage Language


Who stated and what did he find specific activities or techniques for each skill with the purpose of reducing anxiety

Young  (1999


Districts that have students whose parents have refused the ELL services offered by the district must still provide the ELL student with the services necessary to acquire English fluency and access the academic content of the curriculum. This places the burden of ELL services on the mainstream classroom teacher who must provide appropriate accommodations and adjust teaching to the student appropriately in order for the student to access the content and acquire English.

Parental refusal students