Synonyms and Antonyms
Meaning of Words

Story: It was dark and cloudy, and Emily grabbed her umbrella before leaving the house.

Question: Why did Emily grab her umbrella?

Answer: It was going to rain.


Story: The loud noise startled the baby. What is a synonym for "startled"?

Answer: Surprised, scared.


Story: First, she washed the dishes. Next, she dried them. Finally, she put them away.

Question: What did she do first?

Answer: Washed the dishes.


Story: The old house had a fragile roof that could easily break in a storm.

Question: What does the word fragile mean?

Answer: Easily broken or delicate.


Story: In this story, animals talk, and there’s a moral at the end about sharing.

Question: What genre is this?

Answer: Fable.


Story: Max put his head down on the desk and sighed after looking at the big red “F” on his paper.

Question: How does Max feel about his grade?

Answer: He feels disappointed or upset.


Story: The room was silent after the teacher raised her hand. What is an antonym for "silent"?

Answer: Noisy, loud.


Story: Jason woke up, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. Afterward, he had breakfast and went to school.
Question: What did Jason do after brushing his teeth?

Answer: He got dressed.


Story: The baby was giggling loudly as her mom tickled her.

Question: What does the word giggling mean?

Answer: Laughing lightly or in a silly way.


Story: The book is set during World War II, and the characters are children trying to survive in London.

Question: What genre is this?

Answer: Historical fiction.


Story: Lisa’s palms were sweaty, and she couldn’t stop tapping her foot. She glanced at the clock every few seconds.

Question: What is Lisa feeling and why?

Answer: She is feeling nervous, likely about something she’s waiting for.


Story: Julia gave a brief summary of the story she read. What is a synonym for "brief"?

Answer: Short, concise.


Story: During the race, Sarah started slow, sped up halfway through, and sprinted to the finish line.

Question: What happened after Sarah sped up?

Answer: She sprinted to the finish line.


Story: The students were asked to be punctual and arrive on time for the school assembly.

Question: What does the word punctual mean?

Answer: On time.


Story: This story could happen in real life. It’s about a boy and his dog who go on adventures in their neighborhood.

Question: What genre is this?

Answer: Realistic fiction.


Story: Sarah went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. There was no milk, so she grabbed her keys and left the house.

Question: Where do you think Sarah is going?

Answer: She’s going to the store to buy milk.


Story: The weather was mild, and everyone enjoyed the pleasant afternoon. What is an antonym for "pleasant"?

Answer: Unpleasant, miserable.


Story: The sun set, and the stars appeared. The night grew colder, and the moon rose high in the sky.

Question: What happened first?

Answer: The sun set.


Story: The scientist used a microscope to examine the tiny organisms.

Question: What does the word microscope mean?

Answer: A tool used to see very small things.


Story: In this short tale, the fox tricks the crow into dropping her cheese, teaching a lesson about flattery.

Question: What genre is this?

Answer: Fable.


Story: The sky was bright orange, and the temperature began to drop as Mark hurried home, hoping to arrive before it was too late.

Question: What time of day is it, and why is Mark in a hurry?

Answer: It’s evening, and he’s in a hurry to get home before nightfall.


Story: The task seemed simple at first, but it turned out to be very complex. What is a synonym and antonym for "complex"?


Synonym: Complicated. 

Antonym: Simple, easy.


Story: First, the caterpillar built a cocoon. Then, it rested inside the cocoon for days. Finally, it emerged as a butterfly.

Question: What happened before the caterpillar emerged as a butterfly?

Answer: It rested inside the cocoon.


Story: The teacher explained that the animal was nocturnal, meaning it slept during the day and was active at night.

Question: What does the word nocturnal mean?

Answer: Active at night.


Story: The characters live in a time long ago, and many events are based on real historical events, like the Civil War. 

Question: What genre is this?

Answer: Historical fiction.