Character Traits
Text Structures
Context Clues

Amber gave Tony half her sandwich when she saw that he forgot his lunch. She also shared half her orange juice with him too.

Which word describes Amber?

A. Joyful

B. Caring

C. Impatient

D. Smart

B. Caring


Characters who learn to respect or accept others' differences or their own individuality.

A. Friendship

B. Acceptance

C. Honesty

D. Courage

B. Acceptance


How does the author organize this sentence? Spring break is our third vacation week of the school year, after Thanksgiving and Winter break, but before summer vacation. 

A. Compare and Contrast 

B. Cause and Effect 

C. Sequence

C. Sequence 


Samia stuck both hands deep into the flour canister and wiggled her fingers. “Ooh, flour feels so silky and fluffy. Let’s try adding more flour to the recipe. It might make the cookies soft.”

“All right, we’ll increase the flour to two cups,” said Grandma.

The children took turns mixing the ingredients. This dough was harder to stir than the first batch and seemed dry, especially after they added the chocolate chips.

What does the word increase mean as it is used in the paragraph?

a. carry

b. finish

c. raise

d. link

c. raise


What does the prefix "re" mean?



Wally was scared to go on stage. However, he stayed up late every night to practice his lines. On the day of his audition, he stood up on stage and said his lines perfectly.

What is a trait that describes Wally?

A. Scared

B. Worrisome

C. Hopeful

D. Courageous

D. Courageous


Characters who show consideration for others OR who want to help others who are suffering feel better

A. Friendship

B. Responsibility

C. Cooperation

D. Compassion

D. Compassion


How does the author organize this sentence? Mammals, fish, and birds all have endoskeletons, but insects have exoskeletons. 

A. Compare and Contrast 

B. Cause and Effect 

C. Sequence

A. Compare and Contrast


The children took turns mixing the ingredients. This dough was harder to stir than the first batch and seemed dry, especially after they added the chocolate chips.

The timer dinged. “The control cookies are done to perfection,” said Grandma, removing them to a rack.

They’re not puffy and gooey, but they’re not flat and crispy either,” said Lucas. “Kinda in-between.”

What does the word perfection mean as it is used in the paragraph?

A the best quality; not having mistakes

B the ideal number; not needing more

C the incorrect temperature; being too hot

D the wrong flavor; needing more spices

A the best quality; not having mistakes


Which quotation supports the author’s point that bicycling is popular in Denmark?

A “But most Danes not only own bikes, but they also ride them regularly.” 

B “Denmark is taking steps to keep riders safe.” 

C “The routes are often connected to public transportation stations so that commuters can combine cycling with taking a train or bus.” 

D “People who move to Denmark and don’t know how to ride a bike usually learn very quickly.”

A “But most Danes not only own bikes, but they also ride them regularly.”


Mobey ran in a race. However, in the last half mile, he injured his foot. Despite being injured, Mobey didn’t stop. He hopped all the way to the finish line.

Which word describe Mobey?

A. Empathetic

B. Persistent

C. Responsible

D. Witty

B. Persistent


The following are lessons that go with what theme?

- Lies can often lead to trouble

- Every tale is not to be believed

- Things are not always as they appear



How does the author organize this sentence? 

My brother is in time out for cutting his hair at preschool. 

A. Compare and Contrast 

B. Cause and Effect 

C. Sequence

B. Cause and Effect


Young Connor was a cricket,

From many moons ago.

Poor Connor had an itchy wing.

And my, it bugged him so!

He tried his best to scratch it.

His arms were just too small.

He used a twig, a leaf, a branch—

They didn’t help at all.

So Connor tried one last thing

To take the itch away.

He rubbed both wings together.

Hooray! That saved the day!

But something special happened

When Connor scratched his itch.

His wings produced a lullaby,

A song in perfect pitch.

Crickets still play Connor’s song,

From many moons ago.

Do all the crickets have an itch?

I guess we’ll never know.

What does the poet mean by the phrase “many moons ago” in lines 2 and 18?

A a dream about the past

B the moment before

C a long time in the past

D the night before

C a long time in the past


Which two quotations support the author’s point that space junk is dangerous?

A “The rest are old satellites, rocket stages, and other debris.” 

B “The more crowded space gets, the more likely collisions will be.” 

C “They warn spacecraft to move if it looks like something might hit them.” 

D “Meanwhile, scientists around the world are trying to think of ways to clean up old satellites.” 

E “Once the object hits Earth’s atmosphere, friction will cause it to burn up safely.”

B “The more crowded space gets, the more likely collisions will be.” 

C “They warn spacecraft to move if it looks like something might hit them.” 


Keith had to give a presentation on space. He spoke in a loud and proud voice so that everybody could hear. Keith also made the audience laugh several times.

What is a trait that describes Keith?

A. Timid

B. Persistent

C. Patient

D. Confident

D. Confident


The following are lessons for which theme?

- Hard work pays off!

- Never give up!

- Slow and steady wins the race.

- Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve.



How does the author organize this sentence? 

Going back in the passage to find the answer helped me pass the test. 

A. Compare and Contrast 

B. Cause and Effect 

C. Sequence

B. Cause and Effect


Have a sweet tooth? You’re not alone. Even babies love sweet foods. Humans may have evolved to crave sugar because it’s such an important fuel source.

What is the meaning of the phrase “sweet tooth” as it is used in the paragraph?

A having trouble finding sugary foods

B having a strong liking for sugary foods

C feeling excited after tasting sugary foods

D feeling ill from eating too many sugary foods

B having a strong liking for sugary foods


Which quotation from the text provides evidence to support the central idea that acorns were an important food to people of the past?

A “Believe it or not, people once joined the squirrels in gathering acorns to eat.”

B “They date back to prehistoric times when people had not yet learned to grow crops.”

C “They discovered baskets of roasted acorns buried in the ground by Native Americans.”

D “Acorns helped the Pilgrims in their fight for survival during their first winter of 1620-21 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.” 

D “Acorns helped the Pilgrims in their fight for survival during their first winter of 1620-21 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.”


These characters never give up and keep trying until they reach their goals!



Young Connor was a cricket,

From many moons ago.

Poor Connor had an itchy wing.

And my, it bugged him so!

He tried his best to scratch it.

His arms were just too small.

He used a twig, a leaf, a branch—

They didn’t help at all.

So Connor tried one last thing

To take the itch away.

He rubbed both wings together.

Hooray! That saved the day!

But something special happened

When Connor scratched his itch.

His wings produced a lullaby,

A song in perfect pitch.

Crickets still play Connor’s song,

From many moons ago.

Do all the crickets have an itch?

I guess we’ll never know.

What is the theme of the poem?

A One’s most important questions about life may never get answered.

B Music can help improve one’s mood after experiencing difficult times.

C One may discover a special talent when one least expects it.

D It is important for one to have a positive attitude when facing a problem.

C One may discover a special talent when one least expects it.


Are you the type of camper who enjoys the outdoors and wants to snooze under the stars with only the cover of a fabric tent? Or are you an indoor camper, who prefers the safety of a cabin and a roof over your head? You are sure to have a blast with both choices. If you choose to camp in a tent, be prepared to spend an hour or two setting up your temporary lodge. On the other hand, cabin-goers just need to open their front door and plop down their belongings. Think about where you keep your fooda cabin often has a hinge and latching door, whereas a tent will need to be zipped shut. Hungry animals can usually find their way into both if they try hard enough. If you are sleeping in a tent while camping, bundle up under your sleeping bag. The cabin residents, however, can cozy up on their cots with sheets and blankets. Which lodging option is right for you?

What is the text structure?

Compare and Contrast 


Animals have some unique uses for acorns too. The acorn woodpecker, found in northwestern Oregon, California, the American Southwest, and western Mexico, uses its beak to chisel thousands of holes into a standing dead tree or telephone pole. An acorn is carefully hammered into each hole. When the woodpecker has finished working, its acorn storage tower looks like a miniature skyscraper covered with little windows.

What is the meaning of the word chisel as it is used in the paragraph?

A carve

B move

C reach

D uncover

A carve


Which two quotations support the inference that people may be unaware that some foods have more sugar than they think?

A “Now that sweet food is everywhere, that love of sugar can get us into trouble.” 

B “Sodas, candy, cakes—even foods that seem healthy, such as granola bars or yogurt, can be packed with sugar.” 

C “All that sneaky sugar adds up.” 

D “The American Heart Association says kids should have no more than six teaspoons of extra sugar a day.” (paragraph 13)

E “Experts aren’t worried about naturally sweet foods—the problem is added sugar.”

B “Sodas, candy, cakes—even foods that seem healthy, such as granola bars or yogurt, can be packed with sugar.” 

C “All that sneaky sugar adds up.”