Figurative Language
Text Evidence
What's the Purpose?
What Does it all Mean?

Which words most clearly convey the tone of this passage? (pick 5)

Remember, you are not alone on this journey; a supportive community surrounds you, ready to uplift and inspire. Believe in your potential and take each step with confidence, knowing that every effort brings you closer to your dreams. Together, we can achieve greatness, and your unique contributions are valued and essential to our collective success.

not alone, supportive community, surrounds, uplift, inspire, believe, etc.


"You could have my heart or we could share it like the last slice."

What type of figurative language is used?



These lines most clearly imply what?

"When their eyes met, time seemed to slow, the world fading away around them. In the quiet moments, a shared glance spoke volumes, their hearts beating in unison, conveying emotions too deep for words."

love, romance, couple in love


The purpose of an instruction manual is to (inform/entertain/persuade/describe)



"The old tree loomed over the collapsed buildings."

The word loomed reinforces a sense that the tree is _____.



What is the tone of this passage?

"As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the deserted streets, an eerie silence settled over the town. The once bustling market square was now a ghostly reminder of what had been, with tattered banners fluttering weakly in the faint breeze."

Eerie, sombre, melancholic, spooky, creepy


"Samantha sprinted down the hallway, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure the entire school could hear it. She had a million things to do before the day ended."

What type of figurative language is used?

Hyperbole (the entire school could hear, a million things to do)


Context reveals that the phrase "naive in hindsight" means: _____

"Looking back on her past decisions, Sarah couldn't help but cringe. What had once seemed like promising opportunities now appeared as glaring red flags. She recalled how eagerly she had trusted the smooth-talking salesman, only to realize later the fine print she had overlooked."

Sarah was unaware of her bad decisions until it was too late, gullible, easily fooled, etc. She realizes her past ignorance or innocence, lacking understanding. She may feel embarrassed or regretful now.


What is the purpose of these lines?

"It's time to settle the debate once and for all: a hotdog is indeed a sandwich. Just think about it—what defines a sandwich? It's simply two pieces of bread with a filling in between."

To persuade


"Monotonous daily chores on the homestead were made more pleasant by brief moments of play throughout my day."

Context most clearly suggests that monotonous means which of the following? endless/difficult/exhausting/uninteresting



What is the tone of this passage?

"In a land of gumdrops and marshmallow skies, Where giggles dance with butterflies, The moon wears a top hat, the sun wears a bow, And the rivers sing lullabies as they flow."

Playful, lighthearted, silly, whimsical, light


"Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly."

What type of figurative language is used?

Metaphor (life is a broken-winged bird)


These lines most clearly show that Mark is feeling ______ (uncertain/disoriented/reluctant/angry)

"As the fog thickened around him, Mark stumbled through the dense forest, his heart pounding erratically in his chest. Every step felt uncertain, his mind struggling to grasp onto any sense of direction. Twigs snapped underfoot, echoing eerily in the silent wilderness. He glanced around frantically, but the swirling mist obscured any landmarks he might have relied upon."

Disoriented (lost)


What is the purpose of these lines?

"In recent years, the impact of climate change has become increasingly evident. Rising global temperatures, more frequent and severe weather events, and shifting wildlife populations are all clear indicators of a changing planet."

To inform, maybe to caution 


"The excruciating sound of the fire alarm blared through the hallways and entered my ears like an axe, splitting through my skull."

Context most clearly suggests the word excruciating means: _______

Intensely painful, agonizing


What is the tone of this passage?

"In the wake of widening wealth inequality, it's becoming increasingly evident that the market economy perpetuates a system of haves and have-nots. Those at the top wield disproportionate power and influence, dictating the terms of commerce to their advantage while exploiting the labor of the masses. The relentless pursuit of profit drives corporations to prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability, resulting in environmental degradation and social upheaval."

Argumentative, critical


"And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain."

What type of figurative language is used?

Alliteration (s sounds)

Also: rhyme, repetition, imagery, onomatopoeia (rustling)


The idea that "The class rebelled against the test" is most directly supported by which description?

A: They would whine before pulling out their pencils for the test anyway.

B: They set up their desks in rows and logged into the computers, a look of dismay on their faces.

C: The class sat upright in their seats, working away like busy bees.

D: The majority of the class is napping. Again.


Because whining is actively tied to "rebelling", whereas a nap would be more passive


What is the purpose of these lines?

"Have you ever wondered what it takes to achieve true happiness? Many people believe that happiness comes from external sources like wealth, success, or material possessions. However, research shows that the key to lasting happiness lies within us. Cultivating gratitude, building meaningful relationships, and practicing mindfulness can significantly enhance our overall well-being. By focusing on these internal factors, we can create a more fulfilling and joyful life, regardless of external circumstances."

To encourage, inspire, motivate


This humour in this cartoon comes from _______.



Which words from this passage most clearly convey the tone?

"In a display of stunning incompetence, the so-called 'leaders' of our community have once again proven they are utterly incapable of making a single rational decision."

stunning incompetence, 'leaders', utterly incapable, the hyperbole: making a single rational decision


"The rain poured down out of the sky, the wind whipped through the trees and birds took cover. It was the most beautiful day for a wedding."

What type of figurative language is used?

Irony (situational irony)


The lines below most clearly reveal which situation? (describe the situation)

"A metallic hum filled the air. A savoury aroma wafted through the room. Suddenly, I heard a muffled POP!, followed by a series of rapid crackles like miniature fireworks. The once tranquil scene erupted into chaos as a cloud of smoke billowed out, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of burning."

Food exploding or catching on fire in the microwave.


Which line from the passage most clearly shows the author's purpose to advocate for prioritizing education?

"Education is the cornerstone of a thriving society. It not only equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life but also fosters critical thinking and creativity. In today's rapidly changing world, investing in education is more important than ever. By supporting educational initiatives and ensuring access to quality learning opportunities for all, we can pave the way for a brighter future. Let us commit to making education a top priority and empower the next generation to achieve their full potential."

The last line: "Let us commit to making education a top priority and empower the next generation to achieve their full potential."

If you ignore the rest of the passage, this line best shows the purpose to advocate for prioritizing education


"The ancient castle stood atop the hill, its silhouette stark against the evening sky. Ivy clung tenaciously to the crumbling walls, as if trying to hold together the remnants of a bygone era."

What does tenaciously mean, in this context?

Hanging on with a strong grip, persistently, showing tenacity (determination, perseverance, persistence)