Author's Purpose
Context Clues

What part of the Plot Story Map tells us the beginning of the story, the characters and the setting?


Making inferences helps us with what?

Understand the text


What is Authors Purpose?

The reason the author wrote the story. 


Unlike my parents, who love classical music I detest it. 

Choose the correct definition of the word bolded. 

1. Love   2.Hate  3. Perform



What is the adjective in this sentence?

The brave knight went running toward the battlefields.



What was the Climax in the book Flyin Solo?

The Rock Ceremony


There are two things that help us with making inferences. What are they?

Story Clues

Prior Knowledge


What is the Author's Purpose of the story below. 

You should eat French Fries. French Fries are the ABSOLUTE BEST food in the entire world. What is not to like? They are crunchy, soft, salty goodness. Not only that but everyone makes them differently. Plus you can dip them into many different dressings. Ranch in my opinion is the best!

Persuade or Convince


When I was caught in the rain, my clothes were saturated and completely soaking wet? Using context clues what does the word saturated mean?

1. Thoroughly wet  2. Ruined  3.cold 

1. Thoroughly wet


What is Ms. Lyons' other last name.



Ms. Lyons' and Mrs. Graff were playing an intense game of Basketball outside. As Ms. Lyons was taking the ball down the court, Mrs. Graff played very tough defense and the fall went out of bounds. The two started to argue about who touched the ball last. Some people thought that Ms. Lyons' was the last to touch it, and others thought it was Mrs. Graff. However not one person saw who was the last to touch it. 

What is the problem in this story?

No one knows who touched the ball last.


Ms. Lyons' came stormed out of the classroom. Her face looked red, her jaw was tight, and her fists were clenched. What can you infer about Ms. Lyons'?

She is feeling very frustrated.


Whales create loud, deep songs. These sounds can be heard by other whales far across the ocean. Some of the sounds are low pitched. They can be hard for humans to hear. These sounds are used to tell other whales when it is time to migrate.

What is the purpose of this passage?

Describe, Explain


What is the descriptive language being used in this sentence. Identify 2.

The colorful fall leaves were small and crunchy under my feet.

Colorful, small, crunchy


What are the adjectives in this sentence. There are 3

There before me stood a tall, scaly, dark green dragon. 

tall, scaly, dark green

What story element is being told below, and how do you know?

Bruce's father was in charge of the largest company in the area. It was an energy company called SolarEdge. They made solar panels. Many of Bruce's schoolmates' parents worked there. This sometimes made things weird in Bruce's class. Everyone knew that Bruce's Dad was in charge of their families' paychecks. Bruce just wanted his classmates to act normal around him. After all, Bruce wasn't in charge of the company. What Bruce had to do was figure out a way to let his classmates see the real Bruce. He didn't want them to just see him as the son of their parent's boss. What would be the best way to do that? 

Problem-Bruce's Dad was in charge of his classmates families. 


It is the beginning of the day and Ms. Lyons' is dancing and singing in the front of the classroom. As students file into the room she greets them with a loud greeting. As the class looks at her, they notice she seems very happy, and full of energy. Ms. Lyons' continues to greet those in the hallway while she sips her large cup of coffee and skips out of the room. 

What can you infer about Ms. Lyons' and why she is acting this way?

She drank a lot of coffee and started the day off right.


This title tell you that the Author's Purpose is to what?

"All about what Frogs Eat"



The little boy was fascinated by the model train set. Even when the rest of his family moved on, he remained starting intently at the tiny tracks. 

Using context clues what does the word fascinated mean?

1. attracted to  2.depressed by  3. forgetful

attracted to


What is the name of Ms. Lyons' little brother?



Name all 5 parts of the Plot Story Map.

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


Alice was carrying a large clothes basket from the bedroom down the stairs to the laundry room.  She struggled under the weight of the basket. She wished her younger brothers would help her.  Instead, they were playing. She had heard them throwing a baseball in the house earlier. She had told  them to go outside. They had gone to the backyard, but they had left the baseball on the stairs.

What can you infer will happen to Alice? How do you know?

She will fall down the stairs from tripping on the baseball the brothers left on the stairs. 


Name 5 Author's Purpose

Persuade, Convince, Argue, 

Inform, Describe, Explain

Entertain, Teach Life Lessons

What descriptive language is being used in this sentence. 

As I stepped into the kitchen, I could smell the sweet aroma of the soft apple pie baking in the oven. 

sweet and soft


What country as Ms. Lyons' traveled to?
