Context Clues
Figurative Language
Cause and Effect
Main Idea

She invariably leaves her homework at home so it never gets turned in on time.



Brenda reached for the box of tissue. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to bed, but she regained her balance. As she tottered over to the phone on her dresser, all of her muscles ached. She located the contact labeled "Work" and pressed send. A couple of rings later, a familiar voice answered the phone, "Happy Fun Land, this is Deidra speaking. How can I help you have a happy fun day?" Brenda moaned, "Oh, Deidra, it's Brenda." Deidra responded with pep, "Hey, Brenda!" I can't wait to see you this afternoon." Brenda grunted and replied, "Yeah, well, actually, I need to talk to the manager."

Why is Brenda moving so slowly?

She is sick


I had butterflies in my stomach  when I got up in front of the class to give my presentation.



Kevin went to the dentist because he had a toothache.

Cause: he had a toothache

Effect: Kevin went to the dentist


Luca's grandpa lives on a farm. His grandpa has a big garden and many animals. When Luca was little, he was afraid of the chickens. When he helped his grandpa feed the chickens, the chickens chased him crying, "Cluck, cluck, cluck!" But his grandpa showed him how to shoo the chickens away with his hand, saying, "Shoo chicks, shoo chicks!" Luca still doesn't like the chickens much, but he isn't afraid of them now. He feels very grown up.

Luca and the chickens


The emaciated dog looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks.

Very thin

Brenda reached for the box of tissue. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to bed, but she regained her balance. As she tottered over to the phone on her dresser, all of her muscles ached. She located the contact labeled "Work" and pressed send. A couple of rings later, a familiar voice answered the phone, "Happy Fun Land, this is Deidra speaking. How can I help you have a happy fun day?" Brenda moaned, "Oh, Deidra, it's Brenda." Deidra responded with pep, "Hey, Brenda!" I can't wait to see you this afternoon." Brenda grunted and replied, "Yeah, well, actually, I need to talk to the manager."

What is Brenda going to talk about with the manager?

She can't come in to work today because she is sick.


I don't know if I've met your friend Steve, but the name does ring a bell.

Sound familiar


The little girl dropped her ice cream and then she started to cry.

Cause: she dropped her ice cream

Effect: she started to cry


Living things are organisms with certain characteristics. They need water, food, and air to survive. They grow and change, and they move on their own. Living things reproduce, or make more of themselves. For example, plants and animals are living things. Plants make their own food and animals eat plants or other animals for food.

Characteristics of living things


The slovenly boy never cleans his room or washes his hands.



Gina looked in the mirror at the bright red pustule on her nose. She poked at it carefully, afraid that it might burst on her dress. It was large and painful. The more she prodded it, the larger it got. This is not how it was supposed to go! Gina thought to herself. Then she began crying. Her mother yelled up the stairs, "Gina! Eric is here!" This news made Gina even more distraught. Now her makeup was running and, just as she feared, some of it got on her dress. "Why me? Why today?" Gina lamented to herself between sobs and gasps.

Why is Gina upset at the beginning of the passage?

She has a zit on her face.


I'm nervous about my finals. It feels like my grades are up in the air.



The cat hissed when the girl pulled on his tail.

Cause: the girl pulled on his tail

Effect: the at hissed


Before you put on that costume and exhaust yourself roving from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of the summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bonfires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive celebration grew to be the candy fueled costume ball that we know today.

The origin of Halloween


The city council concurred  with the excellent recommendations of the library committee.



Gina looked in the mirror at the bright red pustule on her nose. She poked at it carefully, afraid that it might burst on her dress. It was large and painful. The more she prodded it, the larger it got. This is not how it was supposed to go! Gina thought to herself. Then she began crying. Her mother yelled up the stairs, "Gina! Eric is here!" This news made Gina even more distraught. Now her makeup was running and, just as she feared, some of it got on her dress. "Why me? Why today?" Gina lamented to herself between sobs and gasps.

Who is Eric?

Gina's date/boyfriend


Ever since Jane went on that diet she has started to eat like a bird.

Eat very little


If you listen in class you will get a better grade on the test.

Cause: listen in class

Effect: better grade on the test


When one hears the term "reality" applied to a show, one might expect that the events portrayed occurred naturally or, at the least, were not scripted. This is not always the case. Many reality shows occur in unreal environments, like rented mansions occupied by film crews. Such living environments do not reflect what most people understand to be "reality". Worse, there have been accusations that events not captured on film were later restaged by producers. Worse still, some involved in the production of "reality" television claim that the participants were urged to act out story lines premeditated by producers. With such accusations floating around, it's no wonder many people take reality TV to be about as real as the sitcom.

Reality TV does not actually mimic reality


A man of few words, his speeches were known for their brevity.



Gina looked in the mirror at the bright red pustule on her nose. She poked at it carefully, afraid that it might burst on her dress. It was large and painful. The more she prodded it, the larger it got. This is not how it was supposed to go! Gina thought to herself. Then she began crying. Her mother yelled up the stairs, "Gina! Eric is here!" This news made Gina even more distraught. Now her makeup was running and, just as she feared, some of it got on her dress. "Why me? Why today?" Gina lamented to herself between sobs and gasps.

Where are Gina and Eric going? (Be more specific than "on a date")

A fancy dinner, a wedding, etc. Something that requires Gina to wear a dress.


The teacher's instructions were clear as mud and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing for the assignment.

Not easy to understand


I got a bad sunburn after swimming all day.

Cause: swimming all day

Effect: got a bad sunburn


While Benjamin Franklin is known as a statesman and diplomat, he was also an accomplished inventor and scientist. Franklin was mainly a printer by profession, but he also investigated natural phenomena, such as ocean currents and lightning. His marine research led to his publication of a map of the Gulf Stream currents. Franklin developed theories about electricity, made famous by his experiment with a kite and a key during a lightning storm. As a result of his work with electricity, Franklin invented the lightning rod, which protected buildings from lightning strikes. Always curious and imaginative, Franklin also invented the bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, an odometer for carriages, and a musical instrument called a glass armonica. He investigated evaporation as a cooling technique and designed nautical enhancements, including watertight compartments.

Benjamin Franklin was an accomplished inventor and scientist