Knowledge Integration
Knowledge and Expertise
Reasoning and Learning

The definition of knowledge

"facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience"


One benefit of knowledge

What is speed and accuracy of completing recurring tasks, the ability to complete complex tasks, the ability to extract information that is relevant, the ability to use the environment as a resource, gaining more knowledge by making it easier to learn new/related information (p. 90-91)


The definition of reasoning

"the drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use of reason"


Old and new memory traces integrating show us this

What is that memory traces are not fixed (p. 86)


The definition of bias

What is a personal judgement, "a natural side effect of knowledge acquisition" (p. 91)


T/F: Learning is a cultural process

What is true


DISCUSSION DOUBLE: The learner's role in knowledge integration/development

"These studies underscore the active role of the learner, that is, even young children do not simply accrue knowledge from what they have experienced directly but build knowledge from the many things that they have figured out on their own, which, over time, they can do with less repetition and external support” (p. 87)


DISCUSSION DOUBLE: Can bias can be beneficial

“Stereotypes perpetuate themselves through learned bias, but not all learning biases are considered to have negative consequences” (p. 92)


DISCUSSION DOUBLE: The difference between knowledge and reasoning

What is knowledge is what you know, reasoning is how you apply it