Authors Purpose
Fact or Opinion
Text Features
Context Clues
Rules are very important. They help keep things running smoothly. Rules let you know what you can and cannot do whether you are playing a game or explaining how to act in class. You should follow rules; they help people get along.
What is to persuade?
A person takes your temperature. Another person listens to your heart and asks how you are feeling. Where are you?
What is a doctor's office or hospital?
Modern inventions make our everyday lives easier. Fact or opinion?
What is opinion?
Bold letters that tells you what a section is about? a. Heading b. Tables c. Textbox d. Graph
What is A. Heading?
My sister learned of her acceptance to college yesterday. What does the word acceptance mean? a. An agreement to take something given or offered. b. Offered ideas about solving a problem. c. Giving people trouble or annoying them. d. Something calling for work, effort, and the use of one’s talents.
What is A. An agreement to take something given or offered?
Do you want to be an artist? Just enroll in "The Awesome Artists" program. Don't let this opportunity or your talent slip away. We guarantee you will be painting like the masters in two weeks for a low cost of $59.95.
What is Persuade?
You watch the screen. You see a man telling what the weather will be tomorrow. You switch the channel to watch a cartoon. What are you doing?
What is watching tv?
Today more electric trains are being built. Fact or opinion?
What is fact?
Gives information, and is used to compare things. a. Heading b. Tables c. Textbox d. Graph
What is B. tables?
My teacher asks us to keep the aisles free of backpacks. What does the word aisles mean? a. Built of bricks made of clay and straw and dried in the sun. b. The spaces between rows of seats or rows of shelves at a store. c. A large meal presented for an important event or date. d. Groups of people sharing a way of life in a specific place or time.
What is B. The spaces between rows of seats or rows of shelves at a store.?
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. He was married to Mary Todd and they had four children. One of his famous speeches was the Gettysburg Address.
What is to inform?
The boy looked at the cover and read the title. He looked at the pictures and some of the words. He went back to the beginning and began. What is the boy doing?
What is reading a book?
Which is an opinion? a. The best is yet to come. b. Nursebots will be able to call 911. c. Schwartz’s team builds robots that vacuum and mow the lawn. d. Students will use an electronic reader that gives them assignments.
What is A. The best is yet to come
A labeled picture that shows the parts of something. a. Photograph b. Illustration c. Diagram d. Caption
What is C. Diagram?
Playing in the street is dangerous. What is the meaning of the word dangerous? a. Satisfied, happy. b. Likely to cause harm; unsafe. c. Having or giving little light; not bright. d. Fine, soft feathers.
What is B. Likely to cause harm; unsafe.?
What you learn in school will help you later in life. It will also help you get a job. If you work hard in school and make good grades, you may be able to go to college and have a career.
What is to persuade?
The girl changed her clothes. She grabbed a towel and sunscreen. When she got there she walked to the edge, took a deep breath, and jumped in. What is the girl doing?
What is going swimming?
Today there are 88 constellations. Fact or opinion?
What is fact?
A picture taken with a camera, that shows how things look in real life. a. Photograph b. Illustration c. Diagram d. Caption
What is A. Photograph?
Bonita is an agile softball player. What does the word agile mean? a. Able to move and react quickly and easily. b. Understood the value of. c. Made certain or sure. d. To say one is sorry or embarrassed.
What is A. Able to move and react quickly and easily.?
Ted was anxious to try out for the basketball team. He had practiced and knew he was ready. Tryouts made him a little nervous, but when he found out he made the team he knew that all the work had paid off.
What is to entertain?
Mom made a cake, decorated it, and put candles on it. There are lots of balloons. Children came with presents. Everyone played games. What is going on?
What is a birthday party?
Earth is the best planet in the solar system. Fact or opinion?
What is opinion?
A box with words, that gives the reader important information the author wants them to know. a. Map b. Textbox c. Timeline d. Diagram
What is B. Textbox?
The school boards banned books that contain inaccurate information. What does the word banned mean? a. Things that are carried. b. Full to the upper edge of the container. c. A planned and organized refusal to have anything to do with a person, group, or nation. d. Officially forbidden.
What is D. Officially forbidden. ?