Before reading
During reading
After reading
Answering questions
Random facts about your teachers

This is when you look over the text and notice text features and identify the type of text.

What is previewing?


This strategy helps a reader notice, mark and remember key ideas.

What is highlighting?


This is when a reader restates (silently) the key points or ideas in the text.

What is summarizing?


This is when the reader restates the question in his or her own words.

What is paraphrasing the question?


This is the name of Ms. Tsotas' dog

What is Zeus?

This is when you read the first sentence of each paragraph.
What is skimming?

This is a strategy or way to define unfamiliar words in a text.

What is use context clues?


This is what a reader could do with words or phrases that s/he highlighted during reading.

What is rereading the highlighted text to review the key ideas?


This is an effective strategy to use before reading any of the answer choices.

What is thinking of your own answers before reading the choices?


This is the name of the country Mrs. Prioleau is from?

What is Saint Lucia?

This is when you make an informed guess about the content or information.
What is predicting?

This is when a reader imagines the content and creates vivid images.

What is visualizing?

This is the reading skill that requires a reader to use the information in order to make conclusions.
What is make inferences?

This is a helpful strategy for choosing the best answer.

What is eliminate or cross out wrong answers?


This is the correct spelling for Ms. T's name?

What is T-S-O-T-A-S?


This is a part of the text, if available, you should notice before reading but it is not words.

What is graphics (charts, maps, graphs, photos or pictures)?


This is when a reader relates to the topic of an article, the events or characters.

What is making connections?


This is the most important idea a reader can conclude based on all of the information.

What is the main idea?


This is what you should do even if the first choice seems the best.

What is read each choice carefully?


This is the correct spelling for Mrs. P's name.

What is P-R-I-O-L-E-A-U?


Identify a "good" strategy you have used before reading and explain why it is helpful.

Answers will vary. :)


This is when a reader restates a sentence or idea in his or her own words.

What is paraphrasing?


This is an effective after reading strategy that you have used.

Answers will vary. :)


This is what you should do if you forget the information needed to effectively answer the question.

What is go back to the text and reread?


This is Mrs. Prioleau and Mrs.Tsotas' favorite student. 

All the students who turned in work on time!!!!

Just kidding we don't pick favorites:)))