The ancient computer always seemed to break down.
What is a synonym for the word ancient?
I asked my friend to revive me after I lost in my game.
What is the antonym for revive?
Margaret had ambivalent feelings about attending the concert. She knew she’d enjoy the music, but she didn’t really want to go out in the rainy weather. ____
a. mixed b. angry c. distrustful
Sam ran the Chicago marathon last week and felt lethargic afterwards.
What is a synonym for lethargic?
My mom was furious when I arrived home a hour past my curfew.
What is an antonym for furious?
I can not find my keys anywhere! Where could I have left them?
What is a synonym for find?
Sara is so nice, she said she will reject my friend request on Instagram. What is the antonym for reject?
The abandoned house was infested with vermin, including rats, fleas, and cockroaches. ____
a. pests b. animals c. insects
The huge chandelier illuminated the once dark, dreary room.
What is a synonym for illuminated?
The water was so shallow, it only went up to my ancle.
What is the antonym for shallow?
What is a synonym for hospitality?
I was completely penniless after that shopping spree, I really need to learn how to budget my money.
What is an antonym for penniless?
Regina remembered when she had just two pairs of shoes. Now, her closet holds a plethora of shoes in almost every color and every style. ____
a. beautiful b. large amount c. reduction
large amount
The irate tenants lodged a formal complaint against their landlord.
What is a synonym for irate?
Enraged/Really angry
The cheap necklace was tarnished after only one month.
What is an antonym for the word tarnish?
When I found out I was having company over last minute, I had to clean the house swiftly.
What is a synonym for the word swiftly?
The construction zone was a hazardous work area. All of the workers are required to wear hard hats to avoid any injuries.
What is an antonym for the work hazardous?
The little boy was fascinated by the model train set. Even when the rest of his family moved on, he remained staring intently at the tiny tracks. ____
a. attracted to or interested in b. depressed by c. forgetful
attracted to or interested in
The transparent waters made it easy for the rescuers to salvage the remains of the wreckage.
What is a synonym for the word transparent?
Although Mrs. Marks dressed elegantly, she was frugal with her money.
What is an antonym for frugal?
It was another scorching July day in FL, I think I will stay inside all day today to beat the heat.
What is a synonym for scorching?
Mia was being very antagonistic towards her sister. she kept trying to pick a fight.
What is an antonym for antagonistic?
Liam was a good basketball player who yearned for the chance to play professionally. He practiced every day and called coaches at all the professional teams asking for a try-out. ____
a. desired/wanted b. regretted c. doubted/unsure
The new employee felt ostracized because she did not understand the language used by the other employees.
What is a synonym for the word ostracized?
excluded/left out
My mom was devastated when she lost her unique, one of a kind necklace.
What is an antonym for unique?