Text Structure
Point of VIew
Authors Purpose
Main Idea
Most people have had red pizza, or pizza covered with red sauce, but have you ever had white pizza? White pizza is made in almost the same way as red pizza: the dough rises and is rolled out, toppings are applied, and it is cooked in an oven—but the key difference is that white pizza does not have any tomato sauce on it. Instead, a white pizza may have olive oil or no sauce at all. I like white pizza more than red pizza because you can really taste the ingredients. Adding some fresh tomatoes to a white pizza will give it that tomato flavor without the completely overwhelming taste of the red sauce that covers most pizzas. If you have not had a white pizza, I recommend that you order or make one today. In what way is this text mainly structured?
What is compare & contrast
What is theme?
What is the moral or lesson learned
"You must get the golden key from the Sugar Toast Forest," said the Peanut Butter Wizard. He knew that their quest would be hard, so he gave them a bit of advice, "All you have is one another, so stick together." Jelly Girl and Banana Boy nodded eagerly. They were both afraid of the Sugar Toast Forest. Neither of them had ever left home before, but they had heard tales, frightful tales.
What is 3rd person omniscient
A one page printout showing how to put together a coffee table that came in a box
What is to inform
The frog sat on the side of the pond. He was very still. His green color made him hard to see. A bug flew near him. His tongue zipped out, and he gobbled it up. Then the frog was still again. He waited for the next bug. The main idea in this passage is: a. Frogs are green. b. Frogs eat bugs. c. Frogs do not move. d. Frogs live in ponds.
What is c.
. The foundation of every pizza is the crust, and good crust comes from good dough. You might be surprised to learn that pizza dough is made from nothing more than flour, water, yeast, olive oil, salt, and sometimes sugar. Start by adding your yeast packet to a cup of warm water. Let the yeast activate, and then add two cups of flour, two tablespoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of sugar, and a teaspoon of salt. Mix all of that together and wait half an hour for the dough to rise. Now you’re ready to roll it out! In what way is this text mainly structured?
What is sequence
what is Connotation?
What is the feeling attached to the word.
You shouldn't argue with people on the Internet. It is a waste of time and energy. Do you want to spend your precious life energy trying to type sense into some delusional fool who will only hate you for your efforts? No, you don't. The next time someone makes some outlandish claim that infuriates you, you should either ignore them, unfriend them, or block them. You will find these actions to be more satisfying than casting your pearls of wisdom before the likes of swine.
What is second person
A speech in which a student promises daily pizza rations if he is elected class president
What is to persuade
Memorial Day - it's a great holiday! It assures us that summer is just around the corner. Of course, Memorial Day was first celebrated for a more serious reason. Memorial Day, begun in 1868, was the day that Civil War soldiers were honored. Later, it became the day to remember all American soldiers who had died in a war. The main idea in this passage is: a. Memorial Day honors fallen soldiers. b. Memorial Day is in May. c. Memorial Day was first celebrated in 1868. d. Memorial Day is the first holiday of summer.
What is a
Cooking the perfect pizza at home can be quite a challenge. You may find that it’s difficult to get your oven to the right temperature. If the oven is too hot the crust will burn, become hard, and taste bad. If your oven isn’t hot enough, the crust may get soggy. Even at the perfect temperature, extra moisture from your ingredients may prevent the bottom of the crust from fully cooking, but don’t let oven temperature stop you from building the pizza of your dreams. Get yourself a pizza stone. A pizza stone will get very hot when preheated and will allow your crust to fully cook without burning it. Then you can pile the ingredients on your pizza and have a crispy crust that isn’t burned. That’s the way to go. In what way is this text mainly structured?
What is problem and solution
What is figurative language?
What is a word or phrase that does not have its normal everyday, literal meaning.
. The Green Fox's legs were sore. He had been sitting on a tree branch for several hours waiting for the Sheriff. He believed that the Sheriff would be coming this way to transport some prisoners, one of whom might be the Green Fox's best friend, Lavender Luke. The Green Fox heard the sound of hooves approaching. He swung down from the branch by his knees and observed an armored carriage with the royal symbol on the door. "That's our mark. Get ready boys!" the Green Fox shouted to his men.
What is 3rd person limited
An orange sign advising drivers that the road beyond is under construction
What is to inform
What is a mortgage? A mortgage is a particular kind of a loan. When someone takes out a mortgage, they get money to buy a house. They must pay the money back, plus interest. Usually people make a mortgage payment once each month. The house is collateral on the loan. That means that, if the payments aren't made, the bank can take the house. In fact, the bank holds the deed to the house until the mortgage is paid. The main idea in this passage is: a. pros and cons of buying a house b. information about buying a house c. a definition of the word collateral d. a definition of the word mortgage
What is d
Pizza is often viewed as a junk food, and it is true that some pizzas are high in salt, fat, and calories, but there may also be some benefit to eating pizza. Some studies have found that lycopene, an antioxidant that exists in tomato products that are often used in pizza, may prevent some forms of cancer. Dr. Silvano Gallus, of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmaceutical Research in Milan, studied the eating habits of people who developed cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and colon. He concluded that people who ate pizza at least once a week had significantly less chance of developing these cancers. Here’s to your health. In what way is this text mainly structured?
What is cause and effect
What is inferences?
What is an educated guess
The dishes flew and the engine of turmoil raged. That was sound of my parents fighting. I wish they got along, but wishes don't amount to much in the real world. Goals do, however. And I have several goals. For one, I want to go to college. For two, I want to get scholarships for college. And for three, I want to excel at something for which scholarships are offered. But, I don't . I mean, I really don't. I'm just an average Joe.
What is first person
A poem about a very comfortable chair in which the speaker could rest for eternity
What is to entertain
There are many different kinds of music. People enjoy all types of styles. There is rock and roll, which usually is played loudly. It has a strong beat, and people often move a lot when listening to it. There is classical music, which uses sounds from several different instruments and is often played by an orchestra. It can have an exciting, fast beat or consist of soothing tones. Rap music has words that are spoken to a background of music. Chants often are sung without any instrumental music. Music that is sung without instruments is called acapella. The main idea in this passage is: a. Classical music uses different instruments. b. There are many different types of music. c. People enjoy only one style of music. d. Music that is sung without instruments is called acapella.
What is b
If you ask me, the perfect pizza has a thin crust, but not too thin. Even though I'm from Chicago, I prefer the New York style crust. Your perfect pizza might have tomato sauce on it, but mine has pesto on top of the crust. On the pesto I'd like to see lots of cheese: a full layer of shredded mozzarella and Romano cheese, and on top of the shredded mozzarella, I'd like to see some slices of fresh mozzarella. Now you might think I'm crazy for this one, but I'd really like to see some goat cheese in the crust. To top it all off, I'd like to see it polka-dotted with pepperoni slices. Now that's what I call a pizza pie. In what way is this text mainly structured?
What is Descriptive
What is denotation?
What is the dictionary definition of a word
Bruce Hand felt hunger pangs as he sat in the bush. The birds twittered around him. He was waiting for his contact, Jet Hawkins. Bruce Hand checked his watch. He realized that Jet was late. Then he heard the sound of an engine. He looked through his binoculars and saw Jet's familiar orange and brown striped Humvee driving through the jungle. Bruce ran from the bush into the beaten path. "Jet, I'm here!" Bruce Hand shouted. The Humvee stopped.
What is 3rd person limited
Explain what PIE stands for?
What is to persuade, inform, and entertain
Many people use the words cyborg and android interchangeably when, in fact, they have different meanings. Both terms refer to beings powered by robotics, but an android is powered entirely by robots. Though androids are completely mechanical, they are designed to look like humans. They may have synthetic skin, hair, and other features, but no human organs. On the other hand, cyborgs are part human and part machine. They may have robotic hands, legs, or eyes, but all cyborgs have surgically implanted technologies that enhance their abilities. What is the main idea of the passage?
What is This paragraph compares and contrasts androids and cyborgs.