Brain Behind The Game
Fins as early legs
Bird Flu
Komado Dragon
Tiny Pterodactyl
Context Clues: Another meaning for the word "Devoted" paragraph 2.
What is "Showing love", "Fond of"......
Context Clues: What is another meaning for "Scrutinize?"
What is to "Study" "Look at closely".
Context: What is a"Bioterrist?"
Person who tries to kill or imtimdate people by using biological weapons.
Context Clues: What is an antoymn for the word "Lethal?"
Alive, Vibrant.
What is the meaning of vertabrae in the following sentence? These ancient creatures were reptiles, but they flew. In fact, they were probably the first vertebrates to fly.
Animal that has a backbone.
Making Inferences: You can infer that mirror nuerons are called "mirrors" because.......
They became active when they watch someone else.
Context Clues: What does "Tetra" stand for in tetrapod?
What is 4.
Making Inferences: What can you infer about why Goverment officials want scientists to keep information secret?
They don't want people to learn this who will attemp to do harm to other people.
Context Clues: What is another meaning for the word "track?" as used in the following sentence? No one’s actually seen a Komodo dragon track a prey for three days until it dies,” he says.
To follow.
Making Inferences: You can infer that tiny pterodactly's consumed their food by either ripping and tearing or swalling whole? Explain.
Swalling whole, they had no teeth.
Context Clues What is another meaning for the word "Novices?"
What is "Amatuer" "begginer".
Making Inferences: Scientists inferred that tetrapods evolved from lobefish by looking at fossils and......
What is "Watching Lungfish in an aquarium."
Context Clues: What is meant by this statement? It also shows that medical research has moved into sensitive terrain, where there are no easy answers.
Medical research is becoming a "Hot topic" or questions where there are no easy answers.
Making inferences: Scientists can infer that Komado dragons are a distant relative of what species?
Venomous snakes.
Making Inferences: What evidence proves that Tiny Pterodactyl's probably never left the confines of the forest?
They had curved feet for climbing. They were very small needed the forest for protection. Had the nickname "Forest Dweller."
Drawing Conclusions: In a basketball game, a players' mirror nuerons are working hard when a player demonstrates what kind of play? [Hint: Anticipate]
What is a "Steal" "Block" "Quick pass"
Context Clues: What is another meaning for the word "Evolve?"
What is "To change over time".
What does the term "Infectous" mean?
Something that is passed from one organism to another.
Komado dragons cause their victims' organs to shut down and become inmobile. What is the term used to descibe this condition?
Making Inferences: Scientists found the pterodactly buried in an old lake long ago. What other fossils must have scientists found to prove this was an old lake bed?
Fish fossils. Turtles.
Name another sport where the player has to have fast "Mirror" Nuerons? Be able to explain.
What is "Running back" Wide Receiver, Soccer player.............
Making Inferences If lobefish evolved into tetrpods by growing legs, what body organ would have had to develop to survive on land?
What are "Lungs".
Context Clues: What does the term shrouding mean? Shrouding too much scientific research in secrecy may slow the advance of important scientific fields
Covering up. Attempting to hide.
Making Inferences: What diseases or conditions would doctors use an MRI on a person for?
Organ problems, Broken bones, torn ligaments. Torn muscles.
Making Inferences: How does a reptile which is cold blooded regulate it's body temperature?
By the lying in the sun.