Drawing Conclusions
Context Clues

A vehicle that travels in the sea that comes from the prefix "sub"

What is a submarine?


You are at a sporting event and during half time there was a contest to see if someone could make a shot from half-court. You get back to your seat after a trip to the bathroom and there is a guy running around all over the court and the crowd is screaming.

What is The guy made the shot OR The guy won the contest OR The guy won a million dollars


The wind blew through the rigging as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to head home. What is the boy doing?

What is sailing?


The snake ligersed through the grass. It was hunting. What does ligersed mean?

What is slithered; moved?


When a writer exaggerates something - typically in a humorous way.

What is hyperbole?


A word with the root "ambi" means to use both hands equally well?

What is ambidextrous?


Bob and Doug are surrounded by thousands of people. All of a sudden the lights turn off and the crowd starts to cheer.

What is they are at a concert (which is about to start)


Michael and Seth are on their way to Benson State Park. They like to go to the park on weekends during the winter. They like to skate on the frozen lake. Every day, the park ranger checks the ice on the lake. If it is safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS SAFE. If it is not safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS NOT SAFE. Michael and Seth are at the park. They read the sign for today, and then put on their skates. What can you tell?

What is today is safe for skating?


The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent, or horrible, to most people. What does abhorrent mean?

What is horrible?


To use something and return it.

What is borrow?


Another word for sickness that comes from the prefix "mal?"

What is malady?


You come into class and Miss Williamson has spread out books on the table about Nuclear Reactors and Wind Turbines. There is also a big box of batteries sitting beside the door. You just finished you last unit on matter yesterday.

What is you are about to start a new unit (on electricity or on energy).


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where was Shanay?

What is the aquarium?


The crowd was boisterous. They screamed, cheered, and yelled for their favorite team. What does boisterous mean?

What is noisy; rowdy?


We had to TRIM the items on our list so we could afford everything. If add is an antonym of trim, then what does trim mean?

What is cut?


A word coming from the root "doct" means to teach a set of beliefs according to a single point-of-view?

What is indoctrinate?


A mad with a funny hat and a cane dance across the screen. Larry is wondering what is wrong with this movie because there is no color and the sound doesn't appear to be working.

What is Larry is watching a Charlie Chaplin movie (or a silent movie or a very old movie).


Once upon a time, dogs used to bury their bones to help keep them safe from other animals. Even though most dogs have plenty of food to eat today, their instincts still tell them to bury their bones and favorite toys. Based on the passage above, why do dogs today still hide their bones and toys?

What is they want to hide them from other dogs?


Loud noise and poor lighting are not conducive to learning? What does conducive mean?

What is to be favorable or good for; to cause or bring about?


A strong writer will persuade his/her audience by "appealing" to the reader. Establish credibility, tap into your readers emotion, and make them think rationally with these Greek terms.

What are logos, pathos, and ethos?


A word with the prefix "ex" and root "temp" means done with little preparation beforehand?

What is extermporaneous?


Neil gets paid every Tuesday. He has been broke for the last 6 days, but right now he is on his way to the mall and do some shopping.

What is today is Tuesday, he just got paid.


The van was packed full, and some things were attached to the luggage rack on top. My mom and dad, two sisters, and I left early Saturday morning for a one week vacation. We were going about halfway, 400 miles, the first day. My dad had made a reservation at a motel just off the highway. We were moving along on schedule, when all of a sudden there was a bang, and the car lurched. My father grasped the steering wheel tightly to keep the car under control, and then drove it onto the shoulder of the road out of the way of traffic. What do you think happened?

What is we had a blowout?


The start time for classes is immutable, so they are unable to change. What does immutable mean?

What is being unable to change?


Lou was sent to the haberdashery to find a new suit. He needed to wear one for his uncle’s wedding.  Using context clues, what does haberdashery mean?

What is a place where clothes for men are sold?