Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Making Inferences

Choose a synonym for the italicized word.

My mother always asks me to be attentive.

A. sad

B. worried 

C. happy

D. observant

D. observant


What are the three reasons an author writes?

A. Make you laugh, make you sad, and to make you think

B. Entertain, Inform, and Comedy

C. Entertain, Inform, and Persuade

D. None of the Above

C. Entertain, Inform, and Persuade


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Sloths are the slowest mammals on earth. It takes a full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet across the ground. You probably couldn’t move that slowly if you tried! The sloth’s body is about 2 feet long. It has long legs, and curved claws that are 3 to 4 inches long. Their claws and their long legs help them climb trees and hang from tree branches. They spend almost their entire lives hanging from tree branches. The life of a sloth is not very exciting.

A. Sloths are the slowest animals.

B. It takes a full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet.

C. The sloth's body is about 2 feet long.

D. The life of a sloth is not very exciting.

A. Sloths are the slowest animals.


If the cause was the dog was hungry, what is the effect?

A. he ate some food

B. he ran around the playground

C. he took a nap

D. he laid on the couch

A. he ate some food


Make an inference about where the passage is happening.

As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time.

A. My bedroom

B. A candy store

C. The grocery store

D. A football game

B. A candy store


Choose a synonym for the italicized word.

John was somber after losing his lucky coin.

A. sad

B. nervous 

C. happy

D. scared

A. sad


Determine the author's purpose for the sentence.

A book that lists words in alphabetical order. It gives definitions, pronunciation, and sample sentences for each word.

A. Entertain

B. Inform

C. Persuade

B. Inform


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Sloths have a round head, small ears, a stubby tail, and sad-looking eyes set in a dark-colored “mask.” The shape of a sloth’s mouth makes it look like it is always smiling. It has extra bones in its neck that make it possible for it to turn its head almost all the way around. Sloths are very cute to look at, but they don’t put on much of a show. 

A. Sloths have a round head, small ears, and sad-looking eyes.

B. The shape of a sloths mouth makes it look like it is always smiling.

C. A sloth can turn its head almost all the way around.

D. Sloths are very cute to look at.

D. Sloths are very cute to look at.


If the cause is the boy missed the bus, what is the effect?

A. the boy rode rides at Disney World

B. the boy ran to school

C. the boy ate a sandwich

D. the boy skipped school and watched TV all day

B. the boy ran to school


Make an inference about where the passage is happening.

The water felt so good on such a hot day. I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the way. The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running. 

A. The ocean

B. My backyard

C. A swimming pool

D. An amusement park

C. A swimming pool


Choose an antonym for the italicized word.

John was somber after losing his lucky coin.

A. sad

B. joyful 

C. unhappy

D. mad

B. joyful


Determine the author's purpose for the sentence.

Stephen writes a letter to his parents explaining why he needs a new car.

A. Entertain

B. Inform

C. Persuade

C. Persuade


What is the main idea of the paragraph.

Benjamin’s class was learning about unusual animals. Today they were going on a field trip to the zoo to see some of the animals they had learned about. Benjamin’s favorite was the sloth. He had never seen one, but he had learned a lot about them, and seen pictures of them. They were so cute. They had big round eyes, and looked like they were wearing a mask. The sloths in all of the pictures looked like they were smiling.

A. Ben's class was learning about unusual animals.

B. Ben's class was going on a field trip to the zoo.

C. Ben had learned a lot about sloths.

D. The sloths in all the pictures looked like they were smiling.

A. Ben's class was learning about unusual animals.


If the effect is Mary's dad gave her a band-aid, what could the cause be?

A. Mary was making an art project

B. Mary wanted a snack

C. Mary scraped her knee on the sidewalk

D. Mary's dad grounded her

C. Mary scraped her knee on the sidewalk


Make an inference for where this passage may be taking place.

 I was allowed to push the cart. The front left wheel was broken, so the cart wobbled down each aisle. Mother put various packages and boxes in the cart, but I didn’t notice. I was trying to keep the cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier. 

A. The pool

B. The movie theatre

C. My house

D. The grocery store

D. The grocery store


Which of the following is a synonym for soft?

A. hard

B. squishy

C. stuffed animal

D. uncomfortable

B. squishy


Determine the author's purpose for the sentence.

A comic in the school newspaper. The first block shows a student littering. The second block shows a group of students standing around talking and littering. The third block shows a student telling them not to litter. The next block shows all of the students picking up the trash on the school campus. The final block depicts the students smiling and holding a sign that says, “Let’s Work Together and Keep Our Campus Clean.” 

A. Entertain

B. Inform

C. Persuade

C. Persuade


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Benjamin remembered a story he had read about sloths. The story said that many sloths live in the tropical forests in the South American country of Bolivia. Santa Cruz, a large city in Bolivia, has many large parks with old and beautiful trees. Years ago, many sloths lived in these trees. People liked to come to the parks and look for the sloths. Even though there were many sloths in the parks, they were hard to see. Their fur was as green as the leaves of the trees they lived in. Benjamin wished he could have visited one of those parks. He was sure he would have been able to spot the sloths, even if they were hard to see.

A. Many sloths live in the tropical forests of Bolivia.

B. Years ago, many sloths lived in the city parks of Santa Cruz.

C. People liked to come to the parks and look for the sloths.

D. Ben wished he could have visited one of those parks.

B. Years ago, many sloths lived in the city parks of Santa Cruz.


True or False. 

A cause is why something happened.



Make an inference to figure out who the passage is describing.

My father did not like to wear his crown. He said it was heavy and made his head hurt. While I did not have a crown, my parents made sure I had a silk dress with gold thread to wear for the coronation.

A. A queen

B. A princess

C. A prince

D. A jester

B. A princess


Which of the following is an antonym for fire?

A. blaze

B. inferno

C. water

D. hot

C. water


Determine the author's purpose for the sentence.

A novel telling the story of a mother wolf that rescued an orphaned deer and their bond and friendship with one another. 

A. Entertain

B. Inform

C. Persuade

A. Entertain


What is a main idea?

A. Small pieces of information that make a paragraph interesting.

B. The underlying message of the story.

C. What the paragraph is mostly about.

C. What the paragraph is mostly about.


Which of the following is not an effect of an earthquake?

A. House torn apart

B. Smashed cars

C. People homeless

D. Streets flooded with water

D. Streets flooded with water


Make an inference to figure out who the passage is describing.

The crowd began to roar as I made a few practice swings with the bat. The umpire called to me sharply to hurry. I was not in any hurry to face the most famous pitcher in history.

A. Football player

B. A coach

C. A baseball player

D. A fan of sports

C. A baseball player