Non-Fiction Text
Fiction Text
Test Taking Strategies
NASA's rover Curiosity revealed that the rock on Mars is gray, not red. What word is a ____________, or means the same as, revealed?
What is a synonym - showed?
The title, headings and subheadings, photographs, captions, and labels
What is text features found in non-fiction text?
groups of 4-5 lines that a poem is broken into
What is a stanza?
It tells you what the big picture of the passage is, or what it is mostly about.
What is the main idea of the passage?
True or False: While reading a passage, I should: make notes of my thinking, mark important words, and explain in my own words what I think is happening
What is true
the words "forgot" and "remembered" are ____________: they mean the opposite.
What is antonyms?
Help you understand and infer what the paragraph or section will be about
What is headings or sub-headings?
the numbers on the sides of a poem tell you _____________
What is the line of the poem you are reading?
A sentence from the beginning, a sentence from the middle, and a sentence from the end of a story.
What is a good summary of the story?
What do I do to answer this type of question: Lines 5-8 of the poem are included to ___?
What is go back and read lines 5-8 of the poem and then look at my answer choices
When you are stuck on a word, then you read the sentence it is in and the sentences around it to figure out what the word means.
What is using context clues?
Explains what is in a photograph or picture
What is a caption?
What is a rhyme scheme?
It is the rhyming pattern of the poem.  (Ex:  AABB, AACC)
it doesn't say this is happening in the story, but I know it is happening because I can _________ using the clues in the story?
What is infer using my background knowledge and clues in the story
To answer this type of question: In paragraph 3, the word "rarely" means the same thing as _______.
What is read paragraph 3 again and use my context clues to figure out what word means the same as "rarely"
Something happened to each of these words: cover - uncover like - dislike write - rewrite
What is there is a prefix at the beginning of the word, it changed the meaning.
Using the title and headings to understand the "big picture" or ________________ of non-fiction text
What is the main idea of non-fiction text?
Why would a poet include repetition in a poem?
What is to help emphasize or make a part of the poem stand out more?  (For effect)
the sentences that tell about the main idea and help you support what the main idea is.
What is details and facts in the story.
True or False: You can read the questions and answers before reading the passage so you have an idea of what you are reading for?
What is True
Something happened to each of these words: read - readable help - helpful write - writer
What is a suffix at the end that changes the word's meaning?
Using your background knowledge and the text features to understand what the article is telling you
What is making inferences about the article you are reading?
I use my background knowledge and my own thinking as well as clues in the poem to __________________
What is make inferences to understand the poem.
A lesson you can learn from the passage, bigger than just the main idea.
What is the theme of the passage?
True or False:  I should not read a passage twice and not show evidence from the text to help support my answer choice.  
What is False