Figurative Language
Context Clues
Text Features/Text Structures
Inferences/Theme and Message

sound effects or sound words



What is the author's purpose of a persuasive text?

to persuade or convince the reader to do or think a certain way


In paragraph 4, what does the word permanent mean?

Exhibits at the Health Museum change often so that returning visitors are able to see new things. But the museum has had one permanent exhibit since it opened in 1996 called You: The Exhibit.

A. Constant 

B. Popular 

C. Interesting 

D. Inexpensive

A. Constant


What kind of text feature is this?

(shown on the overhead projector)



central idea or message of a text



comparing two things using "like" or "as"


What genre contains the following elements:

- about a famous or well-known person

- in chronological order

- factual information

- includes dates

biography or literary nonfiction


In paragraph 1, the word culprit means someone who is —

Theft is a serious crime. If someone stole something from you, you would most likely not be too forgiving. You would probably be very upset if the stealing continued for years. There is a place in California where thefts take place nightly. Strangely, though, most people there just laugh when their items disappear. That is because the culprit is a cat.

A. active mostly at night 

B. interested in hunting for treasure 

C. guilty of a wrongful act 

D. extremely annoying to live near

C. guilty of a wrongful act


What text feature is this?

(shown on overhead)



a life lesson



repetition of beginning sounds



What genre includes stanzas instead of paragraphs?



What is the meaning of the word properties in paragraph 6? 

As Silly Putty became more common in households, people took notice of its unique properties. It is pliable when pressed slowly but stiffens when pressure is applied quickly. So it can be squished by hand, but it remains in a ball when bounced off the floor. People noticed that things stick to the soft putty.

A. Creators 

B. Solutions 

C. Qualities 

D. Customers

C. Qualities


Why do authors use headings in nonfiction texts?

A. To tell us the most important facts

B. To tell the reader the author's opinion

C. To tell us the main idea of the section

D. To give us the details of the section

C. To tell us the main idea of the section


Why does the author italicize the word “the” in the last sentence of paragraph 5? 

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Sousville Bearcats!” the announcer’s voice blasted through the arena. “At point guard, wearing number 45... Dwight Edwards!” The crowd roared, and I cheered until my throat stung. I could not believe I was seeing the Dwight Edwards in person!

A. To emphasize that Dwight Edwards is a well-known player

B. To show that the announcer is a friend of Dwight Edwards 

C. To emphasize the skills that make Dwight Edwards a great player 

D. To suggest that no other players are named Dwight Edwards

A. To emphasize that Dwight Edwards is a well-known player


an exaggeration



usually the main purpose of this genre is to teach a lesson or tell us why something is the way that it is in the world



Which word or words from paragraph 8 help the reader understand the meaning of the word departed?

The merchant ignored the peasant’s words. “I hope you enjoy your reward,” he said. “Thank you again and good-bye.” He quickly departed.

A. hope you enjoy your reward 

B. ignored the peasant’s words 

C. Thank you again 

D. good-bye

D. good-bye


How does the author organize the information in paragraph 3?

Big Bird also changed color as he grew, which helped the staff verify that he was male. When the pelican first arrived, he was totally brown. After several months his facial mask turned pink. Orange would have identified Big Bird as a female. His elastic pouch and legs also changed to bright yellow and pink. In addition, Big Bird’s beak began to grow longer and in a downward curve. The beaks of female pelicans are shorter and straighter than those of males. 

A. The author uses cause and effect to explain why the appearance of pelicans changes. 

B. The author uses logical order to help the reader understand how pelicans came to look the way they do. 

C. The author uses sequential order to show what is interesting about the way pelicans fish. 

D. The author uses compare and contrast to explain what male and female pelicans look like.

D. The author uses compare and contrast to explain what male and female pelicans look like.


I waited until they had rounded the corner, then I went to pick up the pennies. There were three of them. I put them in my pocket. Lots of times, I had seen kids throw away pennies that they had received as change. In fact, it used to drive Mom crazy when she saw it happen. 

I began to look around the sidewalk. Under the bench, there were two more pennies. I added them to the collection in my pocket. My career as a penny-pincher had begun. 

The narrator’s actions in paragraph 13 imply that he will — 

A. observe his surroundings more closely wherever he goes

B. keep all his pennies in his pocket until he has saved enough 

C. stay at the bench and collect all the pennies people throw away 

D. try to think of a different way to collect money

A. observe his surroundings more closely wherever he goes


"The pencils were sharpened to perfect points. The rich colors offered endless possibilities compared to my set of eight basic colors at home."

The author uses the description of the pencils to show --

A. how sad the narrator feels when he can’t afford them 

B. how much the narrator wants to buy them 

C. that the colors inspire the narrator with ideas for his comic book 

D.that the pencils the narrator has are no longer usable 

B. how much the narrator wants to buy them

Usually the author's purpose of writing a poem is to...

A. inform or provide information about something

B. entertain the reader

C. persuade the reader to do something

D. explain how something works

E. describe something in detail

B. entertain the reader


What does the word remote mean in paragraph 7?

Most roads were dirt paths that had been used mainly for horse-drawn carriages. In remote areas where roads did not exist at all, Jackson drove through muddy cow pastures and even over mountains. The bumpy ride sometimes jarred equipment loose and caused it to fall off the car.

A. Lacking tourist attractions 

B. Far from populated areas 

C. Difficult to see from a distance 

D. Familiar to a particular group of people

B. far from populated areas


At last, the weary carver puts down his tools. He is ready for a crane to lift the new pole. He thinks back and remembers stories of his grandfather’s first pole raising. That one took place at the river’s edge. No crane was used then, just dozens of men holding tightly to ropes. Their groans rippled like a chorus of bears; sweat beaded on their brown backs. Drums and voices swelled like thunder when the pole rose.

The author organizes paragraph 9 in a compare-and-contrast pattern to illustrate — 

A. how the images carved into totem poles have changed over time 

B. which carvers in the tribe are the most talented 

C. the way that modern machinery has made raising a totem pole easier

D. how the totem pole has changed during the carving process

C. the way that modern machinery has made raising a totem pole easier


"Even today, totem-pole carving continues in Ketchikan, Alaska, where Tlingit Indians still live." 

In this sentence, what does the author help the reader understand about the culture of the Tlingit people? 

A. Their master carvers are highly skilled. 

B. Their carvers use special tools to make each totem pole. 

C. Their history is told through images on the totem poles. 

D. They have maintained their tradition of making totem poles.

D. They have maintained their tradition of making totem poles.