What are the people or animals in the story called?
What are characters?
What informational text features uses visuals such as diagrams, graphs, maps, charts, or illustrations to explain ideas?
What are graphic features?
What text structure uses how things are alike and how they are different?
What is compare and contrast?
What reading strategy helps you use your senses to create pictures in your mind as you read?
What is visualize?
What reading skills tells "Who is telling the story?"
What is point of view?
What is the conflict the characters face called?
What is problem?
What reading skills helps the reader determine the meaning of unknown words by providing clues in the text?
What is context clues?
What text structure tells about a conflict and how it is resolved?
What is problem and solution?
What is the name of the reading strategy when you think about text to self, text to text, or text to the world?
What is making connections?
What compares two things using the words "like" or "as"?
What is a simile?
What literary element tells you where and when a story takes place?
What is setting?
What text feature provides a visual representation that includes labels to identify the parts?
What are diagrams?
What text structure provides details about a topic?
What is description?
What reading strategy is a guess about what is going to happen in the selection or story?
What is making predictions?
What type of text includes a cast of characters, scenes, dialogue, and stage directions?
What is elements of drama?
Where do events in the story take place?
What text feature tells you what the text or section is mostly about?
What is title, heading, or subheading?
What text structure explains events in order?
What is sequence?
What name of the strategy where you retell the story in your own words?
What is summarize?
What type of text uses rhyming words, rhythm, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and repetition?
What is elements of poetry?
What is how the conflict or problem is solved called?
What is solution?
What reading skill tells what the text is mostly about, main idea?
What is central idea?
What text structure explains what happened and why it happened?
What is cause and effect?
Which reading strategy do you use when you don't understand what you have read?
What is monitor and clarify?
What gives human qualities or characteristics to an animal or object?
What is personification?