Main Idea
Author's Purpose
Previewing and Questioning the Text
Context Clues
The first thing you do when you are looking for the main idea.
What is read the title?
The acronymn for author's purpose.
What is PIES?
The way you remember what inference is.
What is a math equation - inference + background knowledge = inference?
Good readers preview the text in order to
a. get an idea of what the book is about so they don't have to read it all. b. find out what happens at the end before they read. c. predict and make a plan for reading. d. make the teacher happy
The reason you use context clues.
What is to help you find the meaning of unknown words?
The object that Ms. Grass wants you to remember when thinking about the main idea.
What is a table?
A sales ad wanting you to purchase a motorcycle
What is persuade?
How do good readers make inferences? (3 things)
They use word/picture clues, use what they already know, and ask themselves questions.
When making predictions, good readers.....
a. determine what they know, ask questions, and look for clues b. read the book and ask questions at the end c. wait for the teacher to ask them questions d. only ask questions if the have to answer for an assignment
If you don't know how to pronounce a word,this is what you do.
What is use the first letter of the word?
Where main idea sentences likes to hang out in paragraphs.
What is the first sentence, last sentence, and sometimes in the middle?
The list of movies showing in your town and the times, the comic strips, and a letter to the editor explaining the need to recycle more.
What is inform, entertain, and persuade?
Miss White has recess duty. Jacob finds a frog, picks it up, and runs over to show it to Miss White. Miss White screams, jumps, and runs as fast as she can into the school. What can you infer from this passage about Miss White?(2 things) What are the “clues” in this passage?
Ms. White doesn't like frogs and she is an elementry school teacher.
Which of the following is not an activity that helps readers anticipate reading or access background knowledge?
a. anticipation guide b. prereading survey c. brainstorming d. picture wlk e. portfolio
The three types of context clues we have studied.
What are synonyms, antonyms, and definition?
The 6 questions that help you identify details.
What are what, when, where, who, why, and how?
A poster about a community walk-a-thon for charity, appointment card from the dentist, and an advertisement for Coca-Cola
What is inform, inform, persuade?
Suppose you are sitting in your car stopped at a red signal light. You hear screeching tires, then a loud crash and breaking glass. You see nothing. What could you infer happened? ( at least 3 different things)
You could infer that there has been a car accident. But there could be some other reason, and therefore another explanation, for the sounds. Perhaps it was not an accident involving two moving vehicles. Maybe an angry driver rammed a parked car. Or maybe someone played the sound of a car crash from a recording.
While reading independently, what three types of questions would you ask?
a. Question the text, question the author, question yourself b. Question the vocabulary, question the theme, question the characters c. Question the teacher, question your peers, question yourself d. Question the dictionary, the Internet, and the thesaurus.
Harold hit the delete button and the files disappeared from the screen. Delete means.....
What is to get rid of something forever?
The two types of main idea.
What is directly stated and implied?
Give an example of each - persuade, inform, entertain, and share.
What is ........?
The grass on the school's front lawn is wet. Make an inference - 4.
What is it rained, the sprinkler was on, dew on the grass from the morning, dog pied on it?
Which of the following is a question that that would help you synthesize what you are reading?
a. What does that word mean? b. Why am I reading this book? c. What is the theme of this book? d. When should I finish reading this book?
Thousands of other visitors come to escape the noisy commotion of their everyday lives and relax in its tranquil beauty. The antonym for the word tranquil is......
What is noisy commotion?