Study Skills
What Would You Do?
Context Clues
Multi-Syllable Strategies
Greg found his name in a list of insurance accountants. He used this strategy?
What is scanning
Robert picked up the sports page of the newspaper to see if it had an article on wresting. What strategy should he use?
What is skimming?
Provide a one sentence summary of the paragraph below: The fur of animals helps them conserve body heat. In cold weather, tiny muscles make the hairs stand up, thickening the furry layer. We humans also have such muscles in our skin. When they suddenly stiffen, we have "goose bumps".
Answers may vary. Suggested answer: Animals and humans have small muscles that make hairs stand up in cold weather, which is what causes "goose bumps".
In the sentence below, What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition? The dogs were so hungry that they would have killed one another for a morsel of meat.
What is "so hungry" and "of meat"?
Use the multi-syllable strategy to pronounce the following word: Amiable
What is a-mi-a-ble?
Rita read a selection about camping. The selection gave information on where to camp, when to camp, and what to take camping. What strategy did she use when she wrote this statement?
What is summarizing?
You want to find the page number where the softball pictures are located in your MLK yearbook. What strategy should you use to find the information in the index of the yearbook?
What is scanning?
Define Summarizing.
What is "to state or retell in a shortened or consice way"?
In a selection about apes, John wanted to find out more information about the types of places that apes live or inhabit. What is the the definition of inhabit?
What is the place or region where an animal or person lives?
Use the multi-syllable strategy to pronounce the following word: constituant
What is con-stit-u-ant?
In a selection about apes, John wanted to find out more information about the types of places that apes live or inhabit. What is the best strategy for John to use to find this information?
What is re-reading?
You want to find out if your football team is listed in the top ten of a sports magazine. What strategy should you use to find the information?
What is skimming?
Provide a one sentence summary for the paragraph below: Kayla and Kiki are beautiful dolphins. They are about 12 feet long. They each weigh about 400 pounds. They can stay under water for almost 15 minutes while holding their breath. Kayla and Kiki are very gentle animals. The audience loves seeing them perform and learning about them.
Answers may vary. Suggested answer: Even though Kayla and KiKi weigh about 400 pounds and are about 12 feet long, they are gentle dolphins that the audience loves to see perform.
In the sentence below, use context clues to create a definition for the word "frivolous". My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things.
Answers may vary. Suggested Answer: What is lacking in seriousness or importance?
Use the multi-syllable strategy to pronounce the following word: variable
What is var-i-a-ble?
Even when the police officers put the handcuffs on my mother, she maintained her dignity, holding her head up high as she was marched off the protest site. What words in the paragraph below give you clues to the meaning of the word "dignity"?
What are "holding her head up high"?
A story you have jsut read is about a pic who became friends with a spider. The spider does many miraculous things to save the pig's life. What strategy was used in the paragraph above?
What is summarizing?
A summary should provide only the ________ and _______ about a story or selection.
What is the most important information and main idea?
Alice finally threw the withering roses away when a dead petal fell into her cereal bowl. Use context clues within the sentence to create your own definition for the word withering.
What is to dry up or shrivel from?
Use the multi-syllable strategy to pronounce the following word: specialist
What is spe-cial-ist?
In the sentence below, what type of context clue is used? Suzie’s mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all of her relationships.
What is an example?
You need to find out what size baking pan is needed to make a box of brownies. What strategy would you use? Explain why your selected strategy is the best for this scenario or task?
What is scanning?
Boats have been around for a long, long time. Some used the wind to move. Some used the tide. Some were rowed by people. Then someone had a new idea. In the paragraph below, what information should not be included in a summary? Explain why? Robert Fulton designed the first boat that could move by the power from steam. This first steamboat was named the Clermont. In August 1807, it traveled up the Hudson River from New York City. It traveled over 100 miles because of the steam power.
What is "Boats have been around for a long, long time". This information is extraneous, or extra, information which should not be included in a summary because it is not the most important information?
In the sentence below, what words provide a clue to the meaning of the word "amiable"? Provide a definition. If you go to the party wearing your best smile, laugh good naturedly, and try your dance steps out (even if you aren’t the best dancer), you will attract attention with your amiable disposition.
Answers will vary. Suggested answer: What is having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities?
Use the multi-syllable strategy to pronounce the following word: preposition
What is prep-o-si-tion?