Author's Purpose & Drawing Conclusions/Inferences
Facts & Opinions/Understanding Sequence
Cause & Effect/Word Meaning
Main Idea & Details/Summarizing
Compare & Contrast

What is author's purpose? 

The reason an author has for writing something


What is sequence? 

Order- time order or events

First, Second, Third

Beginning, middle, ending


What is the difference between cause & effect? 

Cause- Reason something happens

Effect- Is what happens


What is the definition for main idea? 

The most important point the author is trying to make


Another synonym (word that means the same thing) for compare is...

Compare- Liken, similar, match, parallel (possible answers)


What does drawing a conclusion or making an inference mean? 

What you determine to be probably true based on what you do know. (Using text details and prior knowledge)


What is the biggest difference between a fact and an opinion? 

A fact can be proven and an opinion is a person's belief

  • What is the cause?People ran for their cars 

    • A. Because the sun just came out.

    • B. Because it had suddenly begun to rain heavily.

    • C. Because everyone liked their car.

    • D. Because it was time for dinner.

B. Because it had suddenly begun to rain heavily.


What is the purpose of recalling fact and details? 

To understand and support the main idea


Another synonym (word that means the same thing) for contrast is...

Contrast- Difference, unlikeliness, dissimiliarity


What is the purpose for the instructions for the board game, Monopoly.

 A. Entertain

 B. Inform 

 C. Persuade

B. Inform


The Government organizes a census of the whole population every ten years. 

A) Fact 

B) Opinion

B- Fact


  • What is the effect?Angela worked hard all day at her job so

    • A. She had nothing to do at home.

    • B. She worked in a law office.

    • C. She liked to work long hours.

    • D. She was very tired in the evening.

D. She was very tired in the evening.

  • All of the following statements about major details are true EXCEPT:

    • A. Major details are directly tied to the main idea

    • B. Major details are the primary points the author is making about the topic

    • C. Major details are supported by minor details

    • D. Major details could be left out, and the main idea would still be clear

D. Major details could be left out, and the main idea would still be clear

  • Choose the phrases that identify a comparison and contrast essay.

    • A. What is similar and different about the following topics?

    • B. What do the essays below have in common and how do they differ?

    • C. Support, refute or qualify the following statement

B. What do the essays below have in common and how do they differ?

  • Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing players for their teams. It was Jessica’s turn to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, "Kurt." We can infer that

    • A. Kurt is not a very good player

    • B. Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.

    • C. Kurt was the best player on either team.

    • D. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt’s feelings

A. Kurt is not a very good player


The census is a waste of time and energy. 

A) Fact 

B) Opinion

B- Opinion

  • What is the effect?Because so many people have come to Arizona to live,  

    • A. The Grand Canyon is in Arizona.

    • B. Arizona has always been a beautiful state in which to live.

    • C. Many new housing developments are being built.

    • D. People have stopped coming to our state.

C. Many new housing developments are being built.

  • People act the way they are dressed.  Those wearing beach clothes often put their feet on the desk, slouch in their chair, and look lazy.  Those who look professional and businesslike work better and are better received by their colleagues (Casperson, 1999, p. 33).

    • A. People who wear beach clothes to work are lazy.

    • B. Dressing nice will help you get a better job.

    • C. People act the way they are dressed.

    • D. Men should always wear ties to work.

B. Dressing nice will help you get a better job.


It is important to make sure that each subject in a comparison/contrast essay is ______.

A. not given equal consideration  

B. from a different category  

C. given equal consideration  

E. none of the above 

C. given equal consideration

  • Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning. What probably happened?

    • A. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.

    • B. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.

    • C. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.

    • D. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride

C. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.


Complete the sequence- 

33, 27, 21,  _,  _,  _

15, 9, 3


  • Mr. Huge was very proud of his auto superstore. “We have such an extensive selection of cars,” he said, “so everyone should find a vehicle that he or she will love!” The word “extensive” means __________.

    • A. Costing a lot of money

    • B. Large amount

    • C. Having no color

    • D. Not enough

A. Costing a lot of money


In fiction, main idea can also be referred to as....



Draw a graphic organizer that can be used with a compare/contrast article? 

Venn Diagram