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Jeremy and Brian set the tree in its stand and tightened the screws so the tree would stand straight. They went to the attic, took down the boxes of brightly colored ornaments and twinkling lights. The water for hot chocolate boiled and the popcorn popped as the words of "Jingle Bells" came over the radio. Humming along with the music, Jeremy and Brian started to work.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Jeremy and Brian will take down the tree.
b. Brian will turn off the music.
c. Jeremy will eat all of the popcorn.
d. The boys will decorate the tree.
d. The boys will decorate the tree.
Nathan was hard at work building a tree house. He saved lumber from an old barn his Papa had torn down. Board by board, Nathan hauled the wood into the tree and fit it into place. He built a tree house with a window and a real working door. Nathan was nailing the roof boards in place. He lifted his hammer and brought it down hard, but he missed the nail. Instead, Nathan hit his thumb.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Nathan will holler out in pain.
b. Nathan will keep working like nothing happened.
c. Nathan will tear down the tree house.
d. Nathan will invite his sister to come play in the tree house.
a. Nathan will holler out in pain.
In 1945, fifty nations came together to form the United Nations. Today, there are more than 150 countries that are members. The United Nations tries to prevent wars by giving the governments of different countries a chance to meet and settle their arguments in a peaceful way. No matter what the size of the country, they all work together to prevent another worldwide war. Another goal of the United Nations is to help poor countries. Rich countries give or lend money to poor countries. The United Nations has special groups that work in different areas such as food, health, weather forecasting and money matters.

According to the story, how are the countries of the United Nations alike?

a. They are all fighting wars.
b. They work on areas such as food and health.
c. They always settle their arguments in a peaceful way.
d. They all work together to prevent a worldwide war.
d. They all work together to prevent a worldwide war.
There are several insects that are easy to find in ponds. Young dragonflies, mayflies, and caddis flies live at the bottom of ponds, although the adults live in the air above. The larvae of the caddis flies are called caddis worms. They live in tubes or cases. The cases have small pebbles and pieces of plants stuck to them. The caddis worms carry their cases with them like a snail carries its shell.
Several bugs and beetles spend all their lives in the water. They carry little bubbles of air under their wings so they can breathe. One of these insets is the water boatman which rows itself along with two long legs. Another insect, the backswimmer, swims upside down. Other insects skate on the water's surface.

How is a young caddis fly different from an adult caddis fly?

a. The adult caddis fly has small pieces of plants stuck to it.
b. The adults live in the air, and the young live in the water.
c. The young flies are larger than the adults.
d. The adults swim on their backs.
b. The adults live in the air, and the young live in the water.
Since she was building new kitchen cabinets for one of her customers, Angie needed to go to the store to buy supplies. Angie pushed her basket up and down the aisles, choosing things to buy. She picked out paint and new brushes. Angie chose a new blade for her power saw. She decided to get a new jigsaw, because her old one was almost worn out from being used so much. Angie went to the lumber section and chose four sheets of birch plywood. She would use these to make the cabinet fronts and doors.

Where is Angie?

a. At the grocery store
b. In a lumber and building center
c. In her customer's kitchen
d. In a shoe store
b. In a lumber and building center
Reggie paced up and down the living room. Where was Cindy? She left to go shopping early this morning, it was almost midnight, and he hadn't heard a word from her. Reggie wondered if he should call the police. Perhaps Cindy had been in a car accident. Reggie decided to wait a little longer before calling for help. Instead, he continued to pace the floor, worrying all the time. Reggie's four children sat on the couch, staring at him. They had never seen their dad so upset. Suddenly, the telephone rang.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Reggie will call the police.
b. Reggie will sit down on the couch.
c. Reggie will go to bed and wait for Cindy.
d. Reggie will answer the telephone.
d. Reggie will answer the telephone.
Mr. Helms drove down the dirt road in his old truck. As he drove down the bumpy road, his truck sputtered and groaned. Every spring in the truck squeaked. Mr. Helms thought to himself, "This truck has served me well for over twenty years. I've had very few problems with it. I think if I just grease it real well, I can drive it for another twenty years or so."

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Mr. Helms will grease his truck.
b. Mr. Helms will buy a new truck.
c. Mr. Helms will take the bus on his next trip.
d. Mr. Helms will paint his truck.
a. Mr. Helms will grease his truck.
In 1945, fifty nations came together to form the United Nations. Today, there are more than 150 countries that are members. The United Nations tries to prevent wars by giving the governments of different countries a chance to meet and settle their arguments in a peaceful way. No matter what the size of the country, they all work together to prevent another worldwide war. Another goal of the United Nations is to help poor countries. Rich countries give or lend money to poor countries. The United Nations has special groups that work in different areas such as food, health, weather forecasting and money matters.

Rich nations are different than poor nations, because rich nations __________.

a. give or lend money to poor countries.
b. are the only members of the United Nations.
c. do not care about the needs of the poorer countries.
d. borrow money from the poorer nations.
a. give or lend money to poor countries.
Hannah was having a party. Red, white, and blue streamers hung from the ceiling and U.S. flags were on display. For dessert, Hannah served vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries and blueberries. After dark, the guests sang patriotic songs and watched a fireworks display. When it was time to go, Hannah gave each of the guests a small American flag for a party favor. Hannah noticed there were not enough flags for everyone. There was one flag left, and one boy was still in line. Hannah wanted the last flag for herself, but she decided to give it to the boy. Hannah smiled as she gave him the last flag.

What kind of celebration is Hannah having?

a. An Easter egg hunt
b. A Fourth of July party
c. A birthday party
d. A Kwanzaa celebration
b. A Fourth of July party
There once was a shepherd who tended a flock of sheep. Every day, the shepherd saw the same wold come prowling around his flock. The shepherd watched the wolf carefully to make sure that he didn't try to steal any lambs. The wolf never tried to take a lamb. Instead, he seemed to be trying to help the shepherd take care of his sheep. After a long time, the shepherd was so used to seeing the wolf that he didn't even think about how wicked wolves can be.
The shepherd trusted the wolf so much that one day, he left the wolf in charge of the flock while he went on an errand. When the shepherd came back, he found many of the sheep missing or dead. Then the shepherd realized how foolish he had been to trust a wolf.

Why didn't the wolf try to steal any sheep in the beginning of the story?

a. He was a very honest wolf.
b. He was trying to get the shepherd to trust him.
c. He really loved these sheep more than any others.
d. He knew that the shepherd needed to run some errands in town.
b. He was trying to get the shepherd to trust him.
Nathan waas hard at work building a tree house. He saved lumber from an old barn his Papa had torn down. Board by board, Nathan hauled the wood into the tree and fit it into place. He built a tree house with a window and a real working door. Nathan was nailihng the roof boards in place. He lifted his hammer and brought it down hard, but he missed the nail. Instead, Nathan hit his thumb.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Nathan will holler out in pain.
b. Nathan will keep working like nothing happened.
c. Nathan will tear down the tree house.
d. Nathan will invite his sister to come play in the tree house.
a. Nathan will holler out in pain.
When Miriam woke up, her whole body ached. Her pajamas and sheets were soaked with sweat. Miriam shuffled to the bathroom to get a drink of water. She thought the water would cool her off. She pressed her cheek against the cool surface of the mirror. Miriam went to her parents' room and knocked softly at the door. "Mom, I feel terrible," Miriam explained as she apologized for waking her parents. Miriam's mom took one look at Miriam, and then pulled out the thermometer from the drawer.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Mother will check Miriam's temperature.
b. Miriam will go back to bed.
c. Mother will call an ambulance.
d. Dad will go downstairs and watch television.
a. Mother will check Miriam's temperature.
Lisa and Barb are identical twins. Many people have a difficult time telling the two girls apart, because they look so much alike. Barb and Lisa have the same color hair and eyes, and they are the same size. Sometimes the girls dress alike and try to fool people. If you are a close friend of one of the girls, it isn't hard to tell them apart. Barb is shy, while Lisa is more outgoing. Lisa's voice is not as soft as Barb's voice, but they both laugh very much alike. Lisa and Barb have different interests. Lisa likes gymnastics and cheerleading, while Barb is more interested in modern dance. The girls like different subjects in school. Lisa's favorite subject is math and Barb's favorite is science.

According to the story, how are Lisa and Barb alike?

a. Their voices are the same.
b. They both chose math as their favorite subject.
c. They have the same color eyes.
d. They both like to dance.
c. They have the same color eyes.
Hannah was having a party. Red, white, and blue streamers hung from the ceiling and U.S. flags were on display. For dessert, Hannah served vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries and blueberries. After dark, the guests sang patriotic songs and watched a fireworks display. When it was time to go, Hannah gave each of the guests a small American flag for a party favor. Hannah noticed there were not enough flags for everyone. There was one flag left, and one boy was still in line. Hannah wanted the last flag for herself, but she decided to give it to the boy. Hannah smiled as she gave him the last flag.

The information in this story leads you to believe that Hannah is generally __________.

a. a very selfish person.
b. always ready to have a party
c. only happy when she gets her own way.
d. a kind and sharing person
d. a kind and sharing person
A lion watched as three bulls fed together in an open field. Several times, the lion tried to attack the bulls, but they stayed together and helped each other fight off the lion's attack. The lion had little hope of eating one of the bulls because he was not strong enough to fight off all three of them.
One day, the bulls got into an argument. When the lion came to the field, he found them in separate corners of the field, as far away from each other as they could get. It was now an easy thing for the lion to attack the bulls one at a time,and this he did, destroying them all.

In the end, the lion was able to attack the bulls because __________.

a. the bulls were tired.
b. the lion was really hungry.
c. the bulls didn't help each other.
d. the bulls were playing a game.
c. the bulls didn't help each other.
David put on his jacket and warm gloves. Under his jacket, David had on thermal underwear, jeans, and a heavy sweater. Balancing his skis on his shoulder, David began the long hike up the mountain. Carefully, David trekked through the fresh snow. Finally, he reached the spot where the other skiers had gathered for the morning ski run.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. David will fall down the mountain.
b. David will ski down the mountain.
c. David will start his boat.
d. David will remove his jacket and hat.
b. David will ski down the mountain.
Courtney loved to play the violin and practiced every day in her bedroom. She played in the school orchestra and hoped to one day play in the school talent show. One day, Courtney was playing a piece she had been practicing for several days. She played the first part of the song with no mistakes. Courtney's music teacher praised Courtney for her hard work.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Courtney will play the guitar.
b. Courtney will be rude to her music teacher.
c. Courtney will put away her violin and go home.
d. Courtney will play the second part of the song.
d. Courtney will play the second part of the song.
Lisa and Barb are identical twins. Many people have a difficult time telling the two girls apart, because they look so much alike. Barb and Lisa have the same color hair and eyes, and they are the same size. Sometimes the girls dress alike and try to fool people. If you are a close friend of one of the girls, it isn't hard to tell them apart. Barb is shy, while Lisa is more outgoing. Lisa's voice is not as soft as Barb's voice, but they both laugh very much alike. Lisa and Barb have different interests. Lisa likes gymnastics and cheerleading, while Barb is more interested in modern dance. The girls like different subjects in school. Lisa's favorite subject is math and Barb's favorite is science.

According to the story, how are Lisa and Barb different?

a. They have different interests.
b. They are different sizes.
c. Barb is more outgoing than Lisa.
d. Lisa's hair is shorter than Barb's hair.
a. They have different interests.
Sarah and Katie were watching a scary movie on television. Sarah sat frozen in her chair with her arms clasped around her legs. She was trembling all over. Every time the monster appeared on the screen, Sarah would scream out in fright and cover her head with a pillow. Meanwhile, Katie calmly sat in her chair, eating popcorn and watching the movie. Sarah begged Katie to change to another show, but Katie refused. She wanted to watch the rest of this movie. After the movie was over, the girls went to bed. Katie fell asleep right away, but Sarah lay wide awake in her bed.

What can the reader tell about Sarah and Katie from reading this passage.

a. Katie likes all scary movies.
b. Sarah is only afraid of monsters.
c. The movie scared Katie.
d. It was hard for Sarah to go to sleep, because the movie scared her.
d. It was hard for Sarah to go to sleep, because the movie scared her.
Koala bears aren't bears at all. They belong to the same family as kangaroos, and they only live in Australia. When they are first born, koala babies are smaller than your little finger. After about six months in its mother's pouch, the koala baby is ready to explore the world. It comes out of the pouch and climbs up on its mother's back. For six months, it rides on her back everywhere she goes until it is almost as big as she is. The koala drinks dew and eats nothing but leaves from eucalyptus and blue gum trees.

From this passage, you can tell that __________.

a. kangaroos only live in Australia.
b. animals are sometimes named incorrectly.
c. kangaroos and koalas live together in family groups.
d. no koala bear has ever left Australia.
a. kangaroos only live in Australia
Leah stood outside the doorway of her new classroom. She and her mother had just moved back to Smithville, and this was Leah's first day at her new school. Leah looked through the window in the door. She saw her cousin, Kevin. He was the only person Leah recognized. Leah's hands were shaking because she was so nervous. She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Leah will run over to Kevin and hug him.
b. Leah will walk into her new classroom.
c. Leah will turn around and run out of the school.
d. Leah will drop her backpack on the teacher's foot.
b. Leah will walk into her new classroom.
As Evan rode his bike to school, he looked around and noticed the beautiful spring flowers blooming. He didn't see the patch of oil in the road until it was too late. Evan's tires began to skid, and in just seconds, Evan found himself sprawled out on the side of the road with a bleeding knee. He pulled aside the fabric of his torn jeans and examined his knee. Little bits of dirt and gravel clung to the skin. Evan picked up his bike and headed for his house. He knew that his knee needed attention.

What is most likely to happen next?

a. Evan will get on his bike and ride to school.
b. Evan will leave his bike on the side of the road.
c. Evan will go home and clean his knee.
d. Evan will sit by the side of the road and cry.
c. Evan will go home and clean his knee.
There are several insects that are easy to find in ponds. Young dragonflies, mayflies, and caddis flies live at the bottom of ponds, although the adults live in the air above. The larvae of the caddis flies are called caddis worms. They live in tubes or cases. The cases have small pebbles and pieces of plants stuck to them. The caddis worms carry their cases with them like a snail carries its shell.
Several bugs and beetles spend all their lives in the water. They carry little bubbles of air under their wings so they can breathe. One of these insects is the water boatman which rows itself along with two long legs. Another insect, the backswimmer, swims upside down. Other insects skate on the water's surface.

How is the water boatman like the backswimmer?

a. They both row with two long legs.
b. They both skate on the water's surface.
c. They both spend all their lives in the water.
d. They both swim upside down.
c. They both spend all their lives in the water.
Sarah and Katie were watching a scary movie on television. Sarah sat frozen in her chair with her arms clasped around her legs. She was trembling all over. Every time the monster appeared on the screen, Sarah would scream out in fright and cover her head with a pillow. Meanwhile, Katie calmly sat in her chair, eating popcorn and watching the movie. Sarah begged Katie to change to another show, but Katie refused. She wanted to watch the rest of this movie. After the movie was over, the girls went to bed. Katie fell asleep right away, but Sarah lay wide awake in her bed.

Which sentence from the story shows the reader that Katie likes scary movies?

a. Sarah begged Katie to change to another show, but Katie refused.
b. After the movie was over, the girls went to bed.
c. Sarah and Katie were watching a scary movie on television.
d. She was trembling all over.
a. Sarah begged Katie to change to another show, but Katie refused.
Nancy and her mother carried baskets to the flower garden. She enjoyed helping Mom with her home flower business. They worked together, cutting flowers in the warm sunshine. Nancy watched as Mom arranged the flowers into beautiful arrangements. "Will you teach me to do that?" Nancy asked. "You're so creative, Mom."
"Sure, honey," Mom answered. "The important thing is to start with beautiful flowers. Flowers come in many different colors and shapes. You should gather a variety of flowers for your bouquet to make it interesting."

Which of these best describes Mother?

a. mean
b. creative
c. unhappy
d. crabby
b. creative