Letter to Mom and Dad
The Fox and The Goat
Play Ball
Word Meaning
Disney Trivia

7 Mom, it is so much fun watching the birds eat from the bird feeders. However, it took a few days for them to find the feeders. Now I have to check our feeders every day to see if they are empty. Some days Grandpa and I must refill the pinecones with peanut butter and birdseed.

In paragraph 7, what does it mean to refill? 

A. to add some more peanut butter and birdseed

B. to tie more yarn to the bird feeder 

C. to pull in your feeder to check it

A. to add some more peanut butter and birdseed


A Fox one day found himself falling into a well with a splash. As hard as he tried to climb out, the Fox was stuck. 

What is the problem so far?

A. The fox fell

B. The fox tried to climb out

C. The fox was stuck in the well and couldn't get out.

C. The fox was stuck in the well and couldn't get out.


Read paragraph 3.

Narrator: Coach Marshall's basketball team had been getting ready for this game all season. Every day after school, they practiced the plays over and over. During the game, when Coach Marshall saw her players making silly mistakes, she knew they needed a timeout.

Why did the author include paragraph 3?

A. to describe the characters in the play

B. to describe a conflict or problem in the play

C. to describe the setting of the play

B. to describe a conflict or problem in the play


I am going to ask Justin to SHOW me how to make chocolate chip cookies. They are the best I have ever tasted!

Which word has the same meaning as SHOW?

A. Please show me your bike.

B. I love that TV Show!

C. Last night I went to the show with my sister.

A. Please show me your bike.


What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2?

Al’s Toy Barn.


4 I have found so many treasures all over the farm. Last night, I looked at everything I have collected. Grandpa said we needed to take some of my finds and give them back to nature. I was so upset about this that I almost cried. Then he told me that we could feed our feathered friends using some of the things I had collected. 

What is a word that means the same as upset in paragraph 4? 

A. troubled

B. happy 

C. sleepy

A. troubled


A Fox one day found himself falling into a well with a splash. As hard as he tried to climb out, the Fox was stuck. A Goat who was quite thirsty wandered over to the well looking for a drink. Seeing Fox, Goat asked how the water was. Fox being clever, didn’t want Goat to know he was in trouble. So, instead of showing how unhappy he was, the Fox swam around the well telling the goat how WONDERFUL it was.

What is a synonym for WONDERFUL?

A. amazing

B. bad

C. terrible

A. amazing


Narrator: The other team tried to dribble down the court, but Mariana STOLE the mall and made a layup.

Which is a synonym for the word STOLE used in paragraph 17?

A. bumped

B. snatched

C. bounced

B. snatched


After lunch, we always CHECK the answers on our math homework. I hope I get them all right.

Which word has the same meaning as CHECK?

A. Put a check by the correct answer.

B. He wrote a check for $10.

C. Check to make sure that you turned off the lights.

C. Check to make sure that you turned off the lights.


How many brothers does Prince Hans of the Southern Isles have in Frozen?



4 I have found so many treasures all over the farm. Last night, I looked at everything I have collected. Grandpa said we needed to take some of my finds and give them back to nature. I was so upset about this that I almost cried. Then he told me that we could feed our feathered friends using some of the things I had collected. 

How does Andrew feel in paragraph 4? 

A. He feels lonely because he misses his mom. 

B. He feels happy because he is always making new things from nature. 

C. He feels sad because he cannot keep all the things he finds.

C. He feels sad because he cannot keep all the things he finds.


A Fox one day found himself falling into a well with a splash. As hard as he tried to climb out, the Fox was stuck. A Goat who was quite thirsty wandered over to the well looking for a drink. Seeing Fox, Goat asked how the water was. Fox being clever, didn’t want Goat to know he was in trouble. So, instead of showing how unhappy he was, the Fox swam around the well telling the goat how WONDERFUL it was. Fox encouraged Goat jump in and join him. Without considering the consequence, and only thinking of his thirst, Goat jumped in with a ker-splash. 

Do you think it was a GOOD or BAD idea for Goat to jump into the well? Why?

Teacher's Choice


Narrator: The entire crowd cheers as the ball makes a "swish" sound through the net. The players run together, cheering and jumping.

In paragraph 20, why does the crowd cheer with excitement? 

A. because the team made the winning shot

B. because the game was finally over

C. because the coach called a time out 

A. because the team made the winning shot


After lunch, we always CHECK the answers on our math homework. I hope I get them all right.

Which word has the same meaning as CHECK?

A. Put a check by the correct answer.

B. He wrote a check for $10.

C. Check to make sure that you turned off the lights.

C. Check to make sure that you turned off the lights.


How old is Crush in Finding Nemo?

150 (and still young!)


7 Mom, it is so much fun watching the birds eat from the bird feeders. However, it took a few days for them to find the feeders. Now I have to check our feeders every day to see if they are empty. Some days Grandpa and I must refill the pinecones with peanut butter and birdseed. 

Paragraph 7 is mainly about — 

A. Andrew having a good time with Grandpa the things 

B. Andrew is collecting on Grandpa's farm 

C. the bird feeders after they are made

C. the bird feeders after they are made


A Fox one day found himself falling into a well with a splash. As hard as he tried to climb out, the Fox was stuck. A Goat who was quite thirsty wandered over to the well looking for a drink. Seeing Fox, Goat asked how the water was. Fox being clever, didn’t want Goat to know he was in trouble. So, instead of showing how unhappy he was, the Fox swam around the well telling the goat how WONDERFUL it was. Fox encouraged Goat jump in and join him. Without considering the consequence, and only thinking of his thirst, Goat jumped in with a ker-splash. As Goat drank the water, Fox began explaining how difficult it was to get out of the well. Fox then said, “I have an idea! What if you put your hooves against the wall and I’ll climb up your back! When I get to the top, I’ll pull you out! The Goat agreed. The Fox did as he said and climbed the Goat all the way to the top of the well. But, when he got there he ran off. The Goat hearing the Fox run cried out about the Fox breaking his promise. The Fox replied, “You should have thought how you would get out, before you jumped in!” 

What is the setting? Who are the characters?

At a well, during the day.

Fox and Goat


Which line from the play BEST shows that the players no longer felt nervous?

A. Amari: (with confused look) Umm... is that when I fake a pass to Mariana?

B. Narrator: With a smile on every player's face, they put their hands together, shouted "Bobcats!" and ran back on the court.

C. Miles (notices the other team has an open player) Kole, your man is open!

B. Narrator: With a smile on every player's face, they put their hands together, shouted "Bobcats!" and ran back on the court.


I couldn't stop from laughing at Zack's funny JOKE! 

Which word has the same meaning as JOKE?

A. Stop joking around and being silly!

B. Are you serious? Is that supposed to be a joke?

C. Everybody knows that old joke.

C. Everybody knows that old joke.


Rapunzel’s chameleon in Tangled is called what?



Read Letter to Mom and Dad 

1. Andrew finds treasures on the farm.   

2. Andrew and Grandpa made bird feeders. 

3. ??

Which of the following completes the chart? 

A. Grandpa said Andrew should give some of his treasure back to nature. 

B. Andrew and Grandpa watch the birds eat from the bird feeders.

C. Grandpa found yarn in the closet.

B. Andrew and Grandpa watch the birds eat from the bird feeders.


A Fox one day found himself falling into a well with a splash. As hard as he tried to climb out, the Fox was stuck. A Goat who was quite thirsty wandered over to the well looking for a drink. Seeing Fox, Goat asked how the water was. Fox being clever, didn’t want Goat to know he was in trouble. So, instead of showing how unhappy he was, the Fox swam around the well telling the goat how WONDERFUL it was. Fox encouraged Goat jump in and join him. Without considering the consequence, and only thinking of his thirst, Goat jumped in with a ker-splash. As Goat drank the water, Fox began explaining how difficult it was to get out of the well. Fox then said, “I have an idea! What if you put your hooves against the wall and I’ll climb up your back! When I get to the top, I’ll pull you out! The Goat agreed. The Fox did as he said and climbed the Goat all the way to the top of the well. But, when he got there he ran off. The Goat hearing the Fox run cried out about the Fox breaking his promise. The Fox replied, “You should have thought how you would get out, before you jumped in!” 

What is the moral of this story?

Think before you do OR look before you leap


Narrator: Coach Marshall felt HELPLESS. Her players couldn’t remember the plays they had run perfectly all season long. She wasn’t sure what to do. She watched her players walk back toward the court with their heads hung low, when suddenly she knew just what they needed to hear. 

What do you think the word HELPLESS means?

A. He was happy

B. He felt like there was nothing he could do

C. He felt mad

B. He felt like there was nothing he could do


I have 2 little puppies and an old cat at home. Do you have a PET?

Which word has the same meaning as PET?

A. My cat loves it when I pet her head.

B. My pet dog is my best friend.

C. If you pet her, she will calm down. 

B. My pet dog is my best friend.


Who said: “Fish are friends not food”?
