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Compare and Contrast
How does the author organize paragraph three? What is the main signal word in the paragraph?
He/she uses sequence/chronological order. The signal word is then.
What can you infer about the way Parcak feels about his discoveries?
He feels ecstatic and fortunate to have had so many discoveries.
Picturing: What does "ensures" mean in paragraph 2? What are the context clues?
It means "to make certain". The context clues are "available for future generations".
What is similar about the text features used in both passages?
Answers may vary.
Picturing: Draw a graphic organizer showing the problem and possible solution presented in the passage.
Problem: Kasubi tombs burned down. Solution: Cyark scans could be used to help rebuild the tombs.
Which emotion is the photograph most likely intended to evoke in the reader? A Concern for the environment B Awe at a magnificent monument C Excitement about visiting South Dakota D Disappointment in the condition of the monument
B Awe at a magnificent monument
Uncovering: What does the word scour mean in paragraph five? What are the context clues?
The word means to look carefully. The context clues are "looking for it".
Both Dr. Sarah Parcak and Ben Kacyra are interested in sites — F located in countries around the world G built during the current century H thought to be lost cities J at risk of being destroyed
J at risk of being destroyed
Uncovering: What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
Paragraph two is mainly about the discoveries Parcak has made using infrared images. (answers may vary)
Picturing: Which sentence from the selection suggests that the author thinks CyArk’s work is important? F It’s difficult to imagine a more majestic American landmark than Mount Rushmore, with its imposing likenesses of former presidents carved in stone and rising dramatically above the land. G CyArk has documented locations across the globe. H CyArk’s preservation process ensures that images of such sites will be available for future generations, even if the site itself is permanently lost. J In 2010, Cedarleaf learned that the tombs had burned to the ground.
H CyArk’s preservation process ensures that images of such sites will be available for future generations, even if the site itself is permanently lost.
Uncovering: What does the word "dwellings" mean in paragraph 3?
The word dwellings means structure where one lives. (answers may vary)
What is similar about the types of technology discussed in the selections? A Both require the use of satellites to locate sites. B Both involve the use of recorded images. C Both involve the creation of websites for educational purposes. D Both require the sites to be surveyed before they are scanned.
B Both involve the use of recorded images.
What is one difference between the selections? A “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” discusses discovering the unknown, while “Picturing the Past for the Future” focuses on protecting what is known. B “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” focuses on future events, while “Picturing the Past for the Future” focuses on the past. C “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” focuses on one occupation, while “Picturing the Past for the Future” focuses on several different occupations. D “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” cites an expert to support the author’s claim, while “Picturing the Past for the Future” relies on examples to express the author’s opinion.
A “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” discusses discovering the unknown, while “Picturing the Past for the Future” focuses on protecting what is known.
Picturing: Based on the information in the selection, which of these would CyArk most likely digitally preserve? A Lambert Glacier, the largest glacier in Antarctica B Eagle, the American lunar module used by the first astronauts to land on the moon C Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America D The Great Pyramid at Giza, an ancient pharaoh’s tomb in the Egyptian desert
D The Great Pyramid at Giza, an ancient pharaoh’s tomb in the Egyptian desert
Picturing: Which words from paragraph one help the reader know what the word "majestic" means? A "landmark" and "difficult" B "imposing likenesses" and "rising dramatically" C "imagine the loss" and above the land" D "digitally preserved" and "explored for years"
B "imposing likenesses" and "rising dramatically"
How are the purposes of the technologies described in the selections different? F The technology in “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” is used mainly for re-creating sites, while the technology in “Picturing the Past for the Future” is used mainly for exploring sites. G The technology in “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” is used mainly for proving the age of sites, while the technology in “Picturing the Past for the Future” is used mainly for recording facts about sites. H The technology in “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” is used mainly for making people aware of sites, while the technology in “Picturing the Past for the Future” is used mainly for creating self-guided tours of sites. J The technology in “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” is used mainly for locating sites, while the technology in “Picturing the Past for the Future” is used mainly for documenting sites.
F The technology in “Uncovering a New Era in Archaeology” is used mainly for re-creating sites, while the technology in “Picturing the Past for the Future” is used mainly for exploring sites.
Uncovering: The author includes the description in paragraph 1 most likely to — F illustrate the significance of what archaeologists hope to discover G explain the tasks most commonly performed by archaeologists H emphasize the difficulty archaeologists face when trying to locate ancient cities J highlight the activities that take the most time for archaeologists to perform
F illustrate the significance of what archaeologist hope to discover
Uncovering: Parcak hopes that the use of modern technology in archaeology will — A inspire more young people to become archaeologists B help archaeologists better understand previous discoveries C lead to more archaeological discoveries being used in movies D one day allow archaeologists to find objects smaller than a meter in diameter
A inspire more young people to become archaeologists
Picturing: Read the dictionary entry below for the word mission. mission \ı mi-sh n\ n 1. a group of people sent to establish relations with a foreign country 2. a special assignment 3. a building for carrying out religious or charity work 4. a welfare organization established for people in need Which definition represents the meaning of mission as it is used in paragraph 2? F Definition 1 G Definition 2 H Definition 3 J Definition 4
G Definition 2
Dr. Sarah Parcak and Ben Kacyra would most likely agree about the importance of — A discovering sites made famous in films B using three-dimensional models to create images of landmarks C making future generations aware of important cultural history D allowing tourists to visit historical sites through the Internet
C making future generations aware of important cultural history