Van Gogh Cafe

What are inferences? How can readers make inferences?

Readers use clues in stories/poems/books that help them find meaning about something. 


Who owns the Van Gogh Cafe?

Marc & Clara.


What is the purpose of adding sensory details in poems?

So that readers can feel, touch, hear, smell, and see what is happening in the poem. 


What is the difference between independent and dependent clauses?

An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.

A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought.


Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning. What probably happened?

a. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.

b. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.

c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.

d. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.

c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.


Tim looked out the window. The house looked so lonely. Tim's father put the last suitcase in the trunk and started up the car. Thor, his dog, put his head on Tim's lap, like he understood how  Tim was feeling. "It's okay Thor," he said, "Dad says we will like California." What can you INFER is happening here?

a. Tim is sad because his dog doesn't have a house to live in.

b. Tim is taking a trip to visit peolpe he doesn't know.

c. Tim is taking Thor to live with his grandmother.

d. Tim is moving to California with his family.

d. Tim is moving to California with his family.


Where is the Van Gogh Cafe located? What city? What state?

Flowers, Kansas


What is the definition of personification? What is an example of personification?

Definition: Giving human characteristics to an object or an animal. 

Example: (answers vary)


Is "Nick touched a poisonous spider" a simple sentence or a complex sentence? How do you know?

Simple because there is no conjunction found.


What are stanzas in poems?

A poem's version of a "paragraph." 

They are their own little "islands" in poems.


What is the purpose of a double entry journal?

Write down your thoughts - Write down clues that help you infer meaning in a text.


What are some things that made the Van Gogh Cafe "magical?"

-It used to be a theater

-There is a magical possum that are mending relationships

-Poems that tell the future for everyone

-Things are always changing


How many personifications do you see in the poem, "The Sea" below?

Clutching at the rocky cliffs,
The discontented sea
Slides slowly back into itself
On slippery hands and knees.
Gripping with its long green arms,
It hugs the grainy sand,
Searching for a fingerhold
To climb out on dry land.

8 (All lines have personification)


Which words/phrases in this sentence is the independent clause? How can you tell it's an independent clause?

Charles is back from work, so he must take a rest on his bed.

"Charles is back from work"

It makes sense on its own.


What is the dependent clause in this sentence:

Although Julian forgot his pencil, he was able to complete the assignment in class.

Although Julian forgot his pencil,


What lines/words helped you infer the poet's was feeling upset in the poem, "Speech Class"?

-"We clenched teeth and went."

-"I felt that punch in the gut."

-"We hoped they wouldn't laugh."

-"Family of broken words."

-"I felt like a deserter."


What makes readers INFER that Marc's poems told the future?

(answers vary)


What makes poems different from one another?

(Answers vary) 

-Some might have rhyming words

-Some are shorter/longer

-Some are written in stanzas


Provide an example of a COMPLEX sentence.

(Answers vary but must contain an independent clause and a dependent clause with a conjunction)


Name all the 5 senses that readers can sense in poems. 

Touch, Smell, Sight, Sound, Taste


Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ”Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”

What meaning can you infer from this quote? What clues helped you make that inference?

(Answers vary)


What helps readers INFER that Clara's prefers being in quiet and relaxed places?

The mom lives in NYC whereas the dad lives in Kansas. Clara wanted to live with her dad.


Why do poets purposefully arrange words in unusual ways? 

They do it to help communicate to readers what the poem is about.


What are conjunction words? Provide 5 examples of conjunction words.

  • after, although, as, by the time, in order to, though, now that, now since, even if, even though, provided, provide that, if, just as, where, wherever, whereas, where if, whether, since, because, whose, whoever, unless, while, before, so that, until, since, than, till, whenever, supposing, when

What is the conjunction in the sentence: 

Regardless of the bad grade, the boy learned a valuable lesson from the assignment.
