Making Inferences
Author's Purpose
Main Idea & Details
A woman is carrying an umbrella. The weather is _________.
What is rainy?
The author provides facts only, with no opinions. The author's purpose is ___________.
What is inform?
Mrs. Martin trips over Hannah Walker's books. She loses her balance. Next she ___________.
What is falls?
Dogs make great pets. Many people in the United States have dogs. They like to play. Some dogs know when you are sad and comfort you. Dogs are a man's best friend.
What is dogs?
A sentence that explains what the main point about a topic is. It is supported by details.
What is a main idea?
A baby is crying and reaching for a bottle. The baby is _________.
What is hungry?
You should buy the new IPhone 5s. It has the best apps available and is capable of doing so much more than any other phone. Don't get stuck in a bind without the IPhone 5s! The Author's Purpose is ______________.
What is Persuade?
At Christmas a girl gets several gifts from her parents. She sits on the floor in front of the gifts. Predict what she will do next.
What is open the gifts?
Books are a great source of information or entertainment. Books can be found in libraries, book stores, or online. You can find a book about anything you want to learn. Books are great resources.
What is books?
Information that supports the main idea.
What are details?
A student has an after school detention. The student has bad ____________.
What is behavior?
I will tell you a story about a dog named Lucky. He speaks Spanish. The author's purpose of this story would be to _________.
What is entertain?
Mrs. Martin drops a glass vase on the floor and it breaks. Predict what she will do next.
What is clean it up?
One word that sums up what the whole text is about.
What is the topic?
Dogs make great pets. Many people in the United States have dogs. They like to play. Some dogs know when you are sad and comfort you. Dogs are a man's best friend. The main idea is __________________.
What is Dogs make great pets?
A man is yelling excitedly while holding a lottery ticket. The man ____________.
What is won? or won the lottery?
There are 50 states in the United States of America. Each state has a capital city. The Author's Purpose is to ___________.
What is Inform?
A candle tips over and the flame is still lit. Predict what will happen next.
What is a fire?
Grades indicate how students are doing in their classes. quarter, students get a report card with their grades. Good grades are As and Bs. Average grades would be Cs. Grades that are not passing include Ds and Fs. Grades are very important to parents.
What is grades?
Books are a great source of information or entertainment. Books can be found in libraries, book stores, or online. You can find a book about anything you want to learn. Books are great resources. The main idea is __________________________.
What is Books are a great source of information.
The wind was blowing the sand all over the blanket. The air smelled like tanning lotion and the waves were big. This is the place described.
What is the beach?
PIE in relation to Author's Purpose stands for ___________________.
What is Persuade, Inform, and Entertain?
Mrs. Martin's son drew on the walls with crayons. Predict what will happen next.
What is he will get in trouble? time out? he will clean the walls?
Donuts are very tasty. They come in many different flavors. Some donuts have chocolate, some have sprinkles, and some have both. Donuts are delicious, but they are bad for you. Donuts have a lot of calories and fat in them.
What is donuts?
Benjamin Franklin was an important person. He started Philadelphia's first hospital and first public library. He helped write the Declaration of Independence. Ben Franklin asked the French to help Americans fight in the war. Benjamin Franklin has many other great accomplishments.
What is Benjamin Franklin was an important person?