What does Rose mean?
It's the name of the hurricane.
What did Miguel find in the hurricane debris that made him think of Mrs Moreno?
a power cord
= making you believe something that is not true
Why didn't Mrs Moreno want to see anyone?
She was still upset about what happened to her kiosk.
What does Miguel think about in his 1st memory of Mrs Moreno?
He thinks about the 1st time he met Mrs Moreno.
What does "hustled" (p.287) mean?
What does Miguel's father say that everyone needs in life so they don't lose their spirit?
a purpose, a place in the world
What does Miguel think about in his 2nd memory of Mrs Moreno?
He thinks about the time she gave him a power cord at no charge when he really needed it.
What does "stammered" (p.288) mean?
to speak or say something with unusual pauses or repeated sounds; stutter:
What idea do you think "struck Miguel like a hammer on a nail"?
He's got an idea to help Mrs Moreno.
What happened to Mrs. Moreno's kiosk?
It was destroyed by the hurricane.
What does "agonizing" (p.290) mean?
causing extreme physical or mental pain:
What 2 examples from the text show that Mrs Moreno was pleased?
She hugged Miguel and old sparkles in her eyes return.
What was Miguel's idea to help Mrs Moreno?
He got the community to help rebuild the kiosk.
What does " a glimpse" mean?
to see something or someone for a very short time