Define The Progressive Era

1890-1920, Response to the problems, monopolies, and industrialization. Series of governing that helped the little guy (common man).


Define Imperialism

Extending and bringing a nation's power to other nations

What was the League of Nations

Organization founded by Wilson after WWI with the goal of preventing further wars

Crumbled as it had no actual power against dictatorships like Germany and Italy

How did the Harlem Hell fighters contribute to WWI

Regiment 369, consisted of black soldiers

They advanced the farthest out of any military unit on the western front only stopping due to the armistice.


What does Mr Reader believe is the best way to get kids to work?

You beat 'em, “How do you get kids to work? You beat ‘em.” 10/04



National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, fought for civil rights, voting rights, and equality. Fought against segregation

What was Teddy's BIG STICK?????

Strengthen the Military to turn America from a nation into an empire. America can negotiate peacefully, but always has their military as backup


Define the Federal Reserve Act of 13 and what it created

-created the Federal reserve system

-established twelve central banks across America which would oversee money and interest rates


How did General John J Pershing contribute to WWI

"Black Jack" commanded and American Expeditionary Unit which had over 2 million soldiers. Eventually forced Germany to surrender leading to the armistice


FILL IN THE BLANK "“Then only thing this kid’s missing is a _________ ___ _ ______ and maybe then he’d be happy”

Cigarette and a scotch, "Then only thing this kid’s missing is a cigarette and a scotch and maybe then he’d be happy” 10/04


There are many progressive reformers including Booker T Washington, W.E.B DuBois, Jacob Riis, and JP Morgan.

Explain what at least 3 of these people did

Jacob Riis - photographer exposing the dangerous conditions of the common person in NYC

W.E.B DuBois - wanted a quick reform for African American Civil Rights, helped create the NAACP

Booker T Washington - wanted a slower reform for American Civil Rights, advocated for self help 

JP Morgan - Banker who played a crucial role in the formation of the Federal Reserve


Define the Open Door Policy

A foreign policy that allowed fair and equal trade with China, this allowed any country to trade with China and not just have one singular one dominate its trade.


What was the Bull Moose Party and election of 1912?

A Third Party formed by Roosevelt striving for progression, was meant to get him reelected after his defeat against Taft however both lost to the democratic Woodrow Wilson. 


What was the Treaty of Versailles and name two of the agreements within it

Treaty to end WWI in 1919

-Formed the League of Nations

-Made Germany pay for the war debts and give up a lot of their land to France and Poland ---> Led to WWII


According to Mr Reader's quote from October 23rd 2024, which teacher does he NOT want to be

Dr Dilks, “At least i'm not Dr. Dilks, PERIOD.” 10/23


Explain 2 of the 3 aspects of the square deal

(hint three C's)

Conservation of Natural Resources - First real president to protect nature --> national parks, United States forest service

Consumer Protection - protects the buyer of the product -> Meat inspection act, 

Control of Corporations - Trust-busting --> breaking up monopolies and captains of industry, ex. Sherman antitrust act


Define the Roosevelt Corollary and describe what it meant for imperialism within America

- Teddy's speech that explained that European influence in the Western Hemisphere was over

- Explained that America would be the one influencing, using, and "protecting" foreign nations/islands in the Caribbean area

- Was the spark of American imperialism 


DAILY DOUBLE: What was Wilson's campaign for presidency titled and what did it stand for

New Freedom, wanted equality economically for all workers essentially helping out the small businesses

- put down trusts

-8 hr workdays for railroad employees

- lowered tariffs


What were some of the major factors contributing to the Great War

-Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

- Secret Alliances between European Nations

- New Military Technology  


Reader's very first quote From the first day of school

"I would rather jump into a pool of sharks and dolphins than talk to someone your age” 9/07


Explain two ammendments in this era that directly led to progressivism

16th Ammendment - Can tax income (the more money you earn the more it's taxed)

17th Ammendment - Citizens elect senators

19th Ammendment - Women can vote


What inspired Theodore's imperialistic policies

The Spanish American war as a rough rider calvary lieutenant, mostly depicted as a glorious triumph.


Explain what beliefs and mindsets that Wilson had that shaped some of his decisions on WWI and African Americans.

- mostly religious president -> hesitant to enter WWI

- raised in the south -> black policies such as encouraging segregation


How did the Lusitania contribute to America entering WWI

The Lusitania was a civilian ship sunk by a German U-boat killing many American civilians. This outraged the public putting many anti-German opinions into the public perspective.


What did Mr Reader call the poor pretzel students

Commies, "Look at all these commies" 10/11