What is the KKK?
"Ku Klux Klan"
A extreme, far-right, white supremacist group that terrorized non-whites through intimidation and violence in order to suppress these groups.
This president liked the term "rugged individualism" and had the stock market crash during his term, who is this?
Herbert Hoover
Which president made and used the New Deal to help Americans during the Great Depression?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What were the Neutrality Acts of the 1930s?
They were acts that helped the United States stay out of foreign wars by prohibiting the sale of firearms, ammunition, and other war materials to other countries.
"You have absolutely no common sense, take this ____ to remind you of how little common sense you have"
What is marker?
What was the Harlem Reinassance?
What is the name of the severe drought in the midwest during the 30s that contributed to the hardships of the Great Depression?
What is the CCC?
"Civilian Conservations Corps"
A program from the New Deal that helped unemployed, young men with jobs that helped conservation matters in the US. They acted as work relief and was one of the most successful parts of the New Deal.
Who was Doris Miller?
Who did Mr. Reader say this quote to:
"Why are you smiling and looking down at your pants It’s kind of weird"
Who is Ethan Stuart?
What style of governing did President Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge have?
Hands-off, aka laissez-faire
Name two contributions First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt made.
1. Reshaped the role of the First Lady
2. Fought for social reform and progressive causes like Human Rights
Who are Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, and George Patton.
"There’s people in this building who have more charisma in their _____ than I have in my 40-year old body."
What is thumbnail?
List the two controversial things that happened during President Harding's administration.
1. Ohio Gang
2. Teapot Dome Scandal
What were the Fireside Chats?
A series of radio addresses from FDR in the 30s and 40s where he directly spoke to the American people about both the New Deal and the Great Depression. This helped form a bond between the people and government during this time.
Explain either the AAA, TVA, or NRA in detail.
AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration): Provided economic relief for farmers by giving money to farmers so that they would limit the production of their crops so that the prices of the goods would rebalance.
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority): Federal corporation created in 1933 to tackle the problems occurring in the Tennessee Valley, including flooding, lack of electricity, and deforestation.
NRA (National Recovery Administration): Government Agency to revive the economy by regulating industries and establishing fair labor standards such as minimum wage, maximum hours, and rights of workers.
What is the name of the battle that changed the tides in the war in the pacific (between the US and Japan)?
What is the Battle of Midway?
Explain the context of this quote:
"No, we’re dealing with depression."
What is when the pretzel cart arrived?
Explain the Scopes Trial.
It was the first court case to be broadcasted on radio. It pertained to teaching evolution in schools, which John T. Scopes saw as important for his science class in 1925. Although Scopes lost initially and was fined $100 and the Butler Act was initiated, the Supreme Court overruled this case in 1967.
Explain the Bonus Army and their march.
They were a group of WWI veterans, friends, and family members.
They marched into Washington DC in 1932, trying to get early payment for their bonus certificates. It influenced the election in FDR's favor and they eventually got their bonus in 1936.
What was Court Packing?
Court Packing was a proposal made by FDR in 1937 that introduced the idea of expanding the Supreme Court (by adding more judges) in order to get more favorable majority. He did this so that his New Deal legislation would no longer be continuously struck down. However, both democrats and republics condemned Court Packing, which made it die in Congress.
What was the Atlantic Charter?
A charter signed by FDR and Churchill that outlined their ideals for their respective countries after WWII. It set out goals about how they did not want more territory and would instead respect free trade and a person's right to choose their own government
What is one quote that Mr. Reader always says to Drew and Ella?
"Stop touching each other."
"Stop touching."
"No more touching."
Anything else pertaining to touching.