Confidence & Socialization
Manageability In Public & Relieving
Manageability At Home
General Skills

may occasionally startle or be apprehensive for short periods in response to heavy or close ______.

What is traffic?


Dog will _______ in multiple locations, on cue, on a hard surface, within 10 minutes of being offered a regularly scheduled opportunity. Extraordinary management techniques are not required to prevent indiscriminate ________ on public outings wearing the puppy jacket.

What is leash relieving/Do Your Business?


generally calm, will occasionally engage in play with toy, and will redirect to a toy with limited handler input.

What is house settling?


Dog holds still briefly when asked, until given a release cue.

What is wait & okay?


may momentarily startle or become animated in response to loud, unusual or sudden ________. 

What are noises?


Dog is easily lured or cued to sit or down in place out of foot traffic and remains generally stationary with minimal input or attention from handler when on leash in a public space. Accustomed to _______ around a variety of everyday distractions including people, other dogs, small animals, moving and stationary objects, food/other debris, odors, and noises. Can be easily lured or cued to get up and move or reposition.

What is public settling around distractions?


Dog will willingly enter and remain in a confined, appropriately comfortable, space using the verbal cue “kennel”. They are relaxed when confined. Dog is comfortable remaining confined home alone and/or out of sight for up to four hours at a time in a familiar environment.

What are crate & tie down?


Dog accepts the handler putting familiar equipment on their body (collar, head collar, puppy jacket). Responsive to handler cues while wearing equipment.

What is equipment acceptance?


may show minor concern when encountering ________.

What are moving and stationary objects?


Dog does not relieve indiscriminately in the house or require extraordinary management techniques (e.g. confinement) to prevent accidents indoors.

What is house breaking/potty training?


Dog can be lured or placed into various positions (including laying on their side) as needed to allow for all ________.

What are husbandry behaviors (body handling, grooming, nails/ears/teeth, bathing)?


Dog willingly enters, exits, and settles in any type of _______.

What is vehicle riding?


may show slight hesitation or choose to step over or around some _______ but does not avoid negotiating the _______ when other options are not readily available.

What are surfaces?


Dog walks willingly beside you and is responsive to directional collar cues to adjust position. Accustomed to a variety of everyday distractions including people, other dogs, small animals, moving and stationary objects, food/other debris, odors, and noises.

What is leash walking behavior around distractions?


While off-leash or wearing a long line, dog responds to “Come” by approaching the handler and allowing the handler to take hold of the collar, even with mild distractions present (people, other dogs, small animals, food/other debris, odors, noises).

What is recall?


may show minor concern when around strong _______.

What are odors?


Dog is generally comfortable eating and playing with toys in the same room as other pets and people. They are comfortable releasing items when asked.

What is behavior around desired resources?