CROWN L3(×2)


The doctor advised John to refrain from drinking alcohol.

➀abstain    ➁maintain    ➂obtain    ➃retain




 The reviewer said Yukio Mishima's "Beautiful Star" is an absurd parody of society.

➀astonishing ➁considerate ➂intriguing  ➃ridiculous



What is the name of the spell to open the door in the Harry Potter stories?

➀lumos  ➁obliviate

➂Alohamora  ➃expecto patronum




The tests are expected to cover some 10,000 to 20,000 of the roughly 1 million people who are (d   ) (   ) cancer in Japan annually.

The tests are expected to cover some 10,000 to 20,000 of the roughly 1 million people who are (diagnosed) (with) cancer in Japan annually.


It is my hope that many more Japanese will (v   ) (   ) such work, go and see more of the world and begin to have a sense of (c   ) for people who need help. Such volunteers will find that they (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ).

It is my hope that many more Japanese will (volunteer) (for) such work, go and see more of the world and begin to have a sense of (compassion) for people who need help. Such volunteers will find that they (get) (as) (much) (as) (they) (give).


和訳せよ [2020早稲田大・教育]

She is hardly concerned about what her friends think.




Whether people with certain personalities are more (   ) (   ) negativity than others is a highly debated topic, says Macchia, a behavioural scientist.

Whether people with certain personalities are more (prone) (to) negativity than others is a highly debated topic, says Macchia, a behavioural scientist.


What is the name of the pattern on the costume worn by Zenitsu?

➀市松模様  ➁鱗文様  ➂雷文様  ➃音結晶文様




(   ) (   ) what to do, we asked where the elevator was. (   ) our surprise, six subway employees came and carried me and my 130-kilogram wheelchair down the stairs. I will never forget that experience. (   ) was then (   ) I dreamed of making Japan my home.

(Not) (knowing) what to do, we asked where the elevator was. (To) our surprise, six subway employees came and carried me and my 130-kilogram wheelchair down the stairs. I will never forget that experience. (It) was then (that) I dreamed of making Japan my home.


We had to think about the local situation, because looking at the situation through Western or Japanese (   ) could (l   ) us to make wrong decisions.  (S   ) our medicine (   ) (   ) as our medical equipment (   ) very limited, we had to look at each situation (   ) it happened and choose the best thing to do.

We had to think about the local situation, because looking at the situation through Western or Japanese (eyes) could (lead) us to make wrong decisions.  (Since) our medicine (as) (well) as our medical equipment (was) very limited, we had to look at each situation (as) it happened and choose the best thing to do.



You were (s   ) (   ) write one essay about how you have prepared for the demands of studying abroad, right?

You were (supposed) (to) write one essay about how you have prepared for the demands of studying abroad, right?


和訳せよ [2019一橋大・前期]  


For decades, we have failed to fully appreciate how deeply housing is involved in the creation of poverty.



What does Mr Higashi want most now?

➀釣り竿  ➁電動リール  ➂サップ  ➃船






In 2015, I started Accessible Japan, an English website which (p   ) information (   ) visitors with disabilities, like the location of elevators and restrooms as well as the accessibility of tourist sites.

In 2015, I started Accessible Japan, an English website which (provides) information (for) visitors with disabilities, like the location of elevators and restrooms as well as the accessibility of tourist sites.


MSF helps people all over the world who are sick or injured as a result of war and disaster, (   ) (   ) race, religion, or politics. I had been thinking about how I might (   ) (   ) some (   ) to others as a doctor.

MSF helps people all over the world who are sick or injured as a result of war and disaster, (regardless) (of) race, religion, or politics. I had been thinking about how I might (be) (of) some (help) to others as a doctor.