Hurry Cases
Burns & Scalds
Medical Help
Cuts & Scratches
Bites & Stings
The number one cause of death in the United States.
What is a heart attack?
Most of these are first-degree burns.
What is a sunburn?
You call this Emergency Medical Service (EMS).
What is 911?
Wash scratches and minor cuts with soap and water. Applying antiseptic can help prevent infection. Keep the wound clean with an adhesive bandage.
What is first aid for small wounds?
Scrape away with the edge of a gift card.
What is a bee or wasp stinger?
It must be started again quickly, or the person will die.
What is breathing?
The skin gets red and sore.
What is a first-degree burn?
This is the first help given to the victim of an accident.
What is First Aid?
Treat these cuts by using direct pressure to stop bleeding, then keep the wound as clean as you can to limit infection. Cover an open wound with a sterile gauze pad or clean cloth folded into a pad. Hold the pad in position with tape, a cravat bandage, or other binder.
What is first aid for large cuts?
Small, hard-shelled arachnids that bury their heads in the skin of warm-blooded vertebrates.
What is a tick?
If a person swallows this, save the container to tell the EMS what it is.
What is poison? Call Poison Control @ 800-764-7611
People with second or third-degree burns will be suffering from this.
What is shock?
This is what YOU need when there is an emergency.
What is courage?
Openings in the skin and tissues that allow germs to enter the body cause this to happen.
What is infection?
Almost invisible, burrowing into skin pores, causing itching and small welts. Don't scratch! You might find some relief using calamine lotion.
What is a chigger bite?
Blood is spurting out of a wound. It gushes out like a fountain. It must be stopped! Now!
What is severe bleeding?
Blisters form on the skin.
What is a second-degree burn?
When a person is injured or under great stress, his circulatory system might not provide enough blood to all parts of his body.
What is shock?
How frequently on camping trips do you clean and rebandage small wounds?
What is daily?
The victim might suffer sweating, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain and cramps, severe muscle pain and spasms, and shock. Breathing might become difficult.
What is a bite from a female black widow spider?
Pain or pressure in the center of the chest. Sweating when the room is not hot. Feeling like throwing up. Shortness of breath. A feeling of weakness.
What is a heart attack?
The skin may be burned away and charred.
What is a third-degree burn?
The victim is choking, holding a clenched fist above the belly button, covering it with the other hand, then make four quick thrust inward and upward to force air from the lungs.
What is the Heimlich maneuver?
Anyone suffering a serious wound should be treated for ________ and get seen by a ________?
What is shock and doctor?
Can cause sharp, burning pain. The area might swell and become discolored; however, it does not inject venom every time it bites.
What is a poisonous snake bite?