A time between war, or a portion of something
Sergius II became patriarch of this Byzantine capital, claimed the title ecumenical patriarch & had un-ecumenical relations with Rome
A city of 7 hills, it's known for its sound, namely Puget--but also grunge
When used in ovens, these electromagnetic waves operate at about 2,450 megahertz
Roberta Flack & later the Fugees sang about a man "strumming my pain with his fingers", then committing this title crime
killing me softly
Small donkey, or an underground animal habitat
Otto III, this "emperor", opened Charlemagne's tomb & removed some relics
the Holy Roman Emperor
The Magic Kingdom south, it was once known as Jernigan but got a name change in 1857 & a Wet 'n Wild water park, a bit later
"Diego," this distinctive carnivore, roamed North America for millions of years until about 10,000 B.C.
a saber-tooth tiger
In "A Clockwork Orange", the Droogs were up for "a bit of the old ultra-" this; Lana Del Rey sang about it in 2014
A tax, or a river embankment
a levy/levee
Vikings, led by this man, started building a settlement in Vinland
Leif Erikson
Peyton Manning repeatedly gave mid-game shout-outs to this city near the confluence of the Missouri & the Platte
This non-imperial measure was originally defined as one 10-millionth the distance from the North Pole to the equator
a meter
Ask Maverick; Kenny Loggins sang of "metal under tension" & "red line overload" as you approach this "risky" title area
"Danger Zone"
To drive enemies back, or swiftly descend a mountain using ropes
At the Battle of Glen Mama, King Brian Boru of this island inflicted a crushing defeat on a rebel army
A very specific wooden post led to the naming of this southern state capital en Francais
Baton Rogue
This pea-sized "master gland" produces hormones that regulate many of the body's other endocrine glands
the pituitary
Call the FBI! This title madman of a Talking Heads song is on the loose; qu'est-ce que c'est
"Psycho Killer"
A group singing, or a set of 24 sheets of paper
a choir/quire
At the Battle of Glen Mama, King Brian Boru of this island inflicted a crushing defeat on a rebel army
The American Quarter Horse Association is headquartered in this "yellow" Texas city
Iceland is a leader in the generation of this type of renewable energy, from words meaning "earth" & "heat"
Hall & Oates sang that this title killer will "only come out at night...watch out boy she'll chew you up"