to ride a bike
montar en bicicleta
Translate: Me neither.
A mí tampoco.
What is an infinitive?
The most basic form of the verb, and unconjugated or unchanged verb, a verb with the word "to" in front
How do you say "no" in Spanish?
Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish. ¿Te gusta patinar?
(No, no) Me gusta patinar
to talk on the phone
hablar por teléfono
Translate: well
What are the 3 types of infinitives in Spanish?
-ar, -er and -ir
I don´t like
no me gusta
¿Cómo se dice "Do you like...?en español?
¿Te gusta...?
ver la tele
to watch tv
Translate: or
Name three verbs that begin with an "e" from your list
escuchar música, escribir cuentos, esquiar
How do you say I don't like it AT ALL in Spanish
no me gusta nada
¿Cómo se dice "I like to run more" español?
(A mí) me gusta más correr.
leer revistas
to read magazines
Translate: I don't (like to) either.
A mí tampaco.
Name twoverbs that begin with "t"
tocar (la guitarra), trabajar
How do you say "not" in Spanish? Feel free to give an example to explain.
The second "no". The first no answers the question negatively, the second no is to say not....
¿Cómo se dice "Pepe does not like to swim at all" español?
(A Pepe) no le gusta nada nadar.
to spend time with friends
pasar tiempo con amigos
Translate: What do you like to do?
¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Name three verbs that begin with "p."
patinar, practicar deportes, pasar tiempo con amigo
Translate: I don´t like to sing nor to dance.
No me gusta ni cantar ni bailar.
To agree with what another person likes, you use _________ and to agree with what another person dislikes you use _____________.
a mí también, a mí tampoco.