El Ciudad de México is the capital of this country. (Answer in Spanish)
What is México?
"¿Cómo eres?"
"What are you like?"
Si te gusta trabajar, cómo eres?
What is "Soy trabajador(a)?"
A girl
What is "Una chica"?
The book
What is "El libro"?
Triple Jeopardy!
This country boarders and share an island with Haiti. (Write your answer in Spanish)
What is La República Dominicana?
Ask in Spanish: "What is his/her name:"
What is "Cómo se llama?"
Si te gusta practicar deportes, cómo eres?
What is "Soy deportista"?
The girl
What is "la chica"
To play video games
What is "Jugar videojuegos"
Central American country that is immediately south of Mexico.
What is Guatemala?
Double Jeopardy!
"What is she like?"
What is "Cómo es (ella)?"
Double Jeopardy!
Si te gusta ver la tele y no trabajar, cómo eres?
What is "Soy perezoso(a)"?
Double Jeopardy!
Some students
What is unos estudiantes?
Double Jeopardy!
I am brave
What is "Soy atrevido (a)"
This famous singer was shot and killed by one of her fans, we listened to her music in class!
Who is Selena?
Where are you from?
Si te gusta cantar y tocar la guitara, cómo eres?
What is "Soy talentoso(a)"?
What is "Los chicos"?
"I am sociable and funny."
What is Soy sociable y gracioso(a)"?
One of the best-known Mexican painters, she suffered a crippling traffic accident and used her artwork as an outlet for her physical and emotional suffering.
Who is Frida Kahlo?
Ask in Spanish: "What do you like to do?"
What is "Qué te gusta hacer?"
Si te gusta dibujar, cómo eres?
What is "Soy artistico(a)"?
A dog
What is "un perro"?