Define realism
Stories that reflect actual daily life
His nickname was ‘Bitter Bierce”, Why?
his sardonic and critical view
Douglass is best known for writing:
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Putting two contrasting elements together (whole phrases)
The phrase "four score and seven years ago" refers to what year?
What three things does realism criticize:
government, religion, society
Three qualities of Bierce's writing:
dark imagery, abrupt beginnings, twist endings...
Sophia Auld was significant in Douglass’ life because:
she taught him the alphabet
the repetition of words at the end of a line
When was the Gettysburg Address delivered?
November 19, 1863.
In realist literature, setting typically functions as:
An accurate reflection of specific time and place
What is a theme from Horseman in the Sky
Loyalty to the cause was above all other loyalties during the Civil War
This man discovered Douglass’ speaking ability and began working with him in 1841:
William Lloyd Garrison
repetition of words at the beginning of a line
The Gettysburg Address was delivered at this kind of ceremony.
A dedication ceremony for a cemetery for soldiers
What is the difference between anti-abolitionist and abolitionist
for slavery and against slavery
What does the term “eminence” most closely mean:
"was looking upon a noble work of art reared upon that eminence to commemorate the deeds of an heroic past"
Renown and distinction
What does Douglass mean when he says, “I might remain a slave in form, but the day had passed when I could remain a slave in fact”?
I may still be a slave, but my mind and heart are free from slavery
Successive words, phrases, clauses expressed with the same or very similar grammatical structure
What does Lincoln suggest is the true test facing the nation?
Whether democracy can endure
What is the difference between explicit and implicit
obvious, clear and hinting at, unclear
How does author foreshadow the fact that the horseman is Druse’s father?
By having Druse aim at the horse instead of the man, suggesting that Druse could not bring himself to shoot his own father
What was Frederick Douglass's primary motivation for learning to read and write?
To gain freedom through knowledge and understanding
device that uses two words of opposite meaning together
The word "consecrate" as used in the address most closely means this:
to make sacred