Bible Verses
Beyond Barriers
Prejudice in the Bible
Bible against Prejudice

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function...

Romans 12 vs 4


Which group of students were first told that they were more intelligent?

The blue-eyed students


Prejudice was shown multiple times in the Bible:

The 1st individual ignored the injured man in the "Good Samaritan Story"



The Bible has a lot of examples of Prejudice but God showed that He is against it by:

Jesus used these people as part of his disciples who seemed low and hated by society:

Fishermen and tax collectors


 It is not good for a judge to take sides, but some will sin for only a piece of bread.

Proverbs 28:21


What happened when the first group were told that they were more intelligent?

They bullied and oppressed the other group


Prejudice was shown multiple times in the Bible:

The 2nd individual that ignored the injured man in the "Good Samaritan Story"

The Levite


The Bible has a lot of examples of Prejudice but God showed that He is against it by:

Jesus says whatever you do to the least of these you do to me, what are the actions?

Help the poor, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, feed the hungry


I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favouritism.

1 Timothy 5:21 


How long did the first experiment last for to receive drastic results?

One day


Prejudice was shown multiple times in the Bible:

The disciples were eager to pass this city and not talk to the individuals there but Jesus gave hope to a resident at the well...What is the name of the place and the person?

Samaria and the Samaritan Woman


The Bible has a lot of examples of Prejudice but God showed that He is against it by:

The Two spies saved the family of the person who helped them in Jericho and she is the ancestor of Jesus.

Rahab the Prostitute


 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7


How did the groups that were bullied feel?

They showed fear and low self-esteem


Prejudice was shown multiple times in the Bible:

Name the group of individuals that the Jews did not like and seemed unclean

The Gentiles


The Bible has a lot of examples of Prejudice but God showed that He is against it by:

This lady washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried them with her hair and one of the female disciples and saw Jesus' resurrection

Mary Magdalene the Prostitute 


Psalm 133:1

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity".


The teacher developed a simple classroom exercise to illustrate the power of prejudice to her students due to ...

The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr several decades ago.


Prejudice was shown multiple times in the Bible:

Miriam showed prejudice against this individual due to her darker complexion.

Moses wife a Cushite, Zipporah


The Bible has a lot of examples of Prejudice but God showed that He is against it by:

Elijah was used to help this non-Jewish person and how

Widow and son, provided food during the famine and drought and raised her son from the dead (1 Kings 17)