The Constitution
People and Ideas

Established a weak central government out of fear of another monarchy. The states had too much power!

What is the Articles of Confederation?


The battle cry of colonists when King George III and Parliament began taxing them without being able to voice an opinion.

What is "taxation without representation"?


This principle outlines the importance of voting and giving citizens a voice in government.

What is popular sovereignty?


Gives people freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly.

What is the 1st amendment?


My heliocentric theory challenged church doctrine that the earth was the center of the universe.

Who is Nicholas Copernicus?


Written in 1620, this historic document was the first attempt at written law by Europeans in the New World.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This movement challenged church doctrine through observation, hypothesis, experimentation, data analysis, and conclusion.

What is the scientific revolution?


This principle outlines a distinct separation between federal and state governments.

What is federalism?


Gives citizens the right to due process, no double jeopardy, self incrimination, and the right to a grand jury.

What is the 5th amendment?


In 1666, I created three laws of motion helping to spark the Scientific Revolution.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This 1689 document influenced many of the Founding Fathers, especially southerners fearful of a strong central government. Our 8th amendment was taken directly from this document from across the pond.

What is the English Bill of Rights?


Martin Luther's 95 Theses were able to spread across Europe with the help of this 15th century invention. It is even named after its inventor.

What is the (Gutenberg) printing press?


This principle expresses how individuals elect officials or representatives to voice their concerns.

What is republicanism?


Guarantees citizens a trial by jury.

What is the 7th amendment?


Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence outlined three unalienable rights. These ideas were taken from this Enlightenment philosopher?

What is John Locke?


These two amendments ended the hypocrisy of the "American Dream" by giving ALL citizens the right to vote. It only took 130 years.......

What are the 15th and 19th amendments?


This Enlightenment thinkers book Leviathan, written during the English Civil War (1642–1651), argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign. A leviathan, or mythical sea creature was symbolic of a strong sovereign.

What is Thomas Hobbes?


These two principles focus specifically on how the US federal government is structured and the purpose of its branches.

What are checks and balances and separation of powers?


Guarantees powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

What is the 10th amendment?


The Proclamation of 1763 established that colonists were not allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was a direct result of this war between European powers?

What is the French and Indian War or Seven Years War?


The US Constitution has established itself as the longest lasting document that outlines a democratic government. This shortest president checking in at 5'4'' and never weighing over 100 lbs was its chief author.

Who is James Madison?


Literally a rebirth of culture in Italy from the 14th-17th centuries. Art, literature, and culture in general flourished throughout this period. This rebirth was reminiscent of what two ancient civilizations of Europe?

What are Rome and Greece?


The creation of the US Bill of Rights is directly connected to this principle.

What is individual rights?


Guarantees the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

What is the 9th amendment?


Thomas Hobbes believed that the church and state should be separate entities in society. This term is known as.

What is secularism?