Individual Rebellion
Group Rebellion

Why did men begin to join Fight Club?

Men who joined Fight Club wanted to inject masculinity into their lives so they can escape from the society they live in.


What is project mayhem?

Project Mayhem's main goal was to teach every man who was part of the project that he had the power needed to control history. They go against materialism and change society as a whole. 


Who was an enemy of Project Mayhem?

Patrick Madden, he was gathering a list of all the bars where fight clubs would meet. 


What is the narrator's favorite furniture store?

IKEA. The narrator is always looking over catalogs because his life revolves material possessions. 


What is the seventh rule about fight club?

If it is your first night at fight club then you have to fight.


What is the first homework assignment that Tyler gives out in Project Mayhem? 

The first homework assignment was to fight a stranger and lose. 


Fight club uses violence to change themselves, how does Project Mayhem use violence?

They use violence to change the external world. 


What is the narrator addicted to buying? 

Sofas and furniture.


On page 50, "What you see at fight club is a generation of men raised by women." Why do you think they rebel against the idea of women raising a man?

When a woman raises a man, they are more likely to not show masculine traits on how a man should act. Men are traditionally shown to not show any emotion because it can be considered weak. If a man were to cry, then they would be called a woman since only women can cry and show true emotion, but men can only show happiness and anger.


As fight club begins to have a nationwide presence, what does Tyler begin to scheme out? 

Tyler thinks that now that fight club is gaining more attention that he should use it to his advantage and give out his ideas on anti-consumerist ideas. 


In chapter 27, what is the cause for a radical change in the narrator's actions? 

His apartment explodes and he realized that he is also a slave to consumerism as Tyler called them. His possessions were owning him. 


Why does the narrator choose to rebel against materialistic items?

He wants to gain a sense of control of his life, he wants to feel like himself again and not someone who is tied down to items. 


In chapter 9, Tyler pours lye on the narrator as a way to show sacrifice. Why does he push him to go beyond a limit? Does this make rebelling against Tyler difficult since he has the kiss mark on his hand? 

Tyler pushes the narrator over the limit to show sacrificing and how it is not easy to give something up, but it has to be done since it is for a bigger cause. The mark symbolizes a form of sacrifice for the greater good. At the end of the chapter, he says "Think about the animals used in product testing. Think about the monkeys who are shot into space. "Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice," Tyler says, "we would have nothing."" (p 78)


Why does Tyler sell bars of soap made out of leftover fat, sometimes human fat? What does this say about his rebellion against consumerism?

It shows how the consumer culture is willing to pay for something that they think will make them happy. 


What happened in the narrator's boss' office? 

He started punching himself and blackmailing his boss into paying him to be quiet over years of vandalism and sabotage. 


Tyler rejects material possessions, why?

He believes it is a shallow pursuit of happiness though consumption.


Why does the narrator begin to rebel against Tyler Durden?

The narrator begins to rebel against Tyler because he feels the need to regain control of his life again. Tyler begins to have him commit various acts of violence in order to show he has control. 


What does Tyler want to rebel against in Project Mayhem? Why does he want to do it?

He wants to rebel against society, he feels like everyone is driven by materialistic items in order to feel a purpose. 


In chapter 16, what does Tyler want his followers to target specific symbols of civilization?

Museums and skyscrapers because it is the best of civilization. 


In chapter 18, what does the narrator drop on the mechanic's lap? What can it symbolize?

He dropped a birthday cake on his lap, it signify growth but the cake falling can mean growth will not be happening anytime soon.