Calling All
Key Terms
What's The
Big Idea?
Super Sweet
Stage Theories
I Pay Attention In Class & Read The Lesson Guides
90s Nostalgia

Are most groups Open Systems or Closed Systems?

Groups are Open Systems
because external factors affect interdependent relationships within the group.


The goal of most groups is to become greater than the sum of its parts through _______.  

The goal of most groups is to become greater than the sum of its parts through synergy.  Over time, entropy can hurt the group dynamic and lead to chaos.


Name Tuckman's 5 stages of group development BACKWARD without writing it down.

Adjourning, Performing, Norming, Storming, Forming


The "1,000 to 1" game where high schoolers decided which one of them gets $1,000 is a great example of group formation and dynamics.  Describe one course concept that we applied to the video during class discussions.

. Tuckman's 5 stage model
. Equifinality
. Conscious Group
. Task vs Relationship Orientation
. Others...


Finish the lyric:  Tell me why ____________

Ain't nothing but a heartache


Give one example of a Primary Group and one example of a Secondary Group



Over time, _______ can hurt the group dynamic and lead to chaos.   Hint:  When groups become disorganized and ineffective.

Over time, entropy can hurt the group dynamic and lead to chaos.  


According to Joplin's model of learning, what comes between Experience and Meaning?



From the most recent reading:  Come up with a Vision and Mission statement for the Shack of Sit furniture store in New Zealand (you will have 60 seconds).  Responses must meet the full definitions we discussed.

Vision:  Our picture of the future

Mission:  The 'who, what, how' of the organization's strategy to meet the vision and purpose.


According to the Guinness Book of Records, what is the Most Controversial Video Game Series in History, with over 4,000 published articles about it since the first volume came out in 1997?

Grand Theft Auto


Explain Task vs Relationship Dimensions and how they effect groups.

Various possible answers


Based on our class discussions, why are stage theories important?

Stage theories teach us that success, failure, and tension within a group often just part of the
group formation process.


Draw a diagram on the board accurately depicting Joplin's 5-stage model of learning WITH YOUR LEFT (or non-dominant) HAND

Diagram is illustrated in book


The book describes these three categories of roles...

Relationship:  Builds and maintains the group.
Examples:  Encourager, harmonizer, compromiser, etc

Task:  Facilitates and coordinates efforts.
Examples:  Initiator, Info Seeker, Coordinator, etc

Individual:  Fulfills needs of individuals
Examples:  Aggressor, blocker, help-seeker, etc


Name either of the 2 presidents in office during the 1990s

George Bush or Bill Clinton

What is our definition of a 'conscious group?'

A shared understanding of group members’ experiences with personal growth as its primary focus.


Making the entire group aware of personal/interpersonal growth enhance group dynamics & outcomes, but that awareness must be learned a certain way.  Which way is that?

Through experience


Surprise: More 90s Nostalgia!  Name this movie...

Kindergarten Cop


Explain the rules of The Prisoner's Dilemma

. 2 teams that are not allowed to communicate
. Each team has the choice to take or cooperate
. If both teams take, they get the worst outcome
. If both teams cooperate, they get a mild positive outcome
. If one takes and one cooperates, the taker gets a big positive outcome and the cooperator gets the worst outcome.


This famous 90s TV Show centered Cory Mathews as he went through childhood with his best friends Shawn and Topanga.

Boy Meets World


Define and/or explain equifinality

The idea that 2 groups can come to a different result despite having identical components and taking identical actions, and conversely, 2 groups can come to the same result despite having very different components and taking different actions.


Aligning your actions with your group’s purpose, mission, and values helps __________ groups achieve their goals.

Aligning your actions with your group’s purpose, mission, and values helps conscious groups achieve their goals.


Name each stage of a 3-stage theory


3-Plan the Next STep


Name all 5 parts of our 5-finger contract.

1 - Safety first

2 - Peaceful and equitable resolutions (equitable means everyone has equal value in our class)

3 - Try your best, and respect others' limitations (we use the 'challenge by choice' rule, where the group decides an alternate activity if a student does not want to attempt a challenge).

4 - Focus on the best outcome for the group

5 - Build each other up!


During the 1990s, one of the world’s biggest musicians was called “The Artist Formerly Known as ______.”  
