
How do we go from inside to the outside playground?

When the whistle blows outside, what do we do?

In a LINE and WALKING feet.

Line up in our group spot, and wait for the counselor.


Do I serve myself during lunch? Do I get seconds?

Megan or another counselor will serve you, or you will do it yourself sometimes. Kindergarten and first grade won't get seconds most of the time. We have to save food for the 2nd-5th graders. Seconds will be offered to 2-5th if there is extra. 


What should you do after you use the bathroom?



How many different blocks are there?


1: K-1st Inside 2nd-5th Outside

2: K-1st Outside 2nd-5th Inside


3: K-1st Inside 2nd-5th Outside

4: K-1st Outside 2nd-5th Inside


What side of the stairs and hallway do you walk on?

Right side

Can I run up any slide I want, even if there is someone at the top?

When swinging, can I stand on the swings or climb up the chains?

You can go up the open top slide when NO ONE is at the top, wanting to come down. If there is someone on the top you need to wait until they have slid down the slide. Do NOT climb on the outside of the slides. If a counselor sees you climbing on the outside, you will get your slide privileges taken away. 

You can get hurt if you stand on the swings or climb up the chains. Swinging is on your bottom only. 


If my friend is across the table at lunch, should I yell so they can hear what I am saying to them?

Instead of yelling, wait to tell them later or until they can hear you. During lunch we want to use indoor voices.


What should you do if there is no soap, or toilet paper in the bathrooms?

Tell a counselor 


Is it okay to put down your friends/other kids? (Saying stupid, dummy or other harmful words)

What should you do if you hear someone saying these kinds of words?

NO! These words hurt. If you use these kinds of words to other kids, they won't want to be friends or play with you anymore. 

If you hear another child say hurtful words, tell them to stop. If they won't stop, tell a counselor. 


I'm bored in my room I signed up for. Can I walk around the building instead or go to the bathroom to see my friends?

No, if you are bored tell your counselor! He/she will help you find something to do/play with. Remember, when signing up for blocks choose a room that you know you will want to stay in the full hour. 


If you get a toy out and decide to be done playing with it, do you leave it out or put it away?

Put it away! It's not fun to pick up toys you didn't play with. Put your toy away so others don't have to.


Who pours the milk for you at lunch? Should you pour it yourself? 

One of your counselors will pour you milk during lunch. You will grab it after setting down your plate on the table. 


How many kids should be in the bathrooms at once?

Only the kids who are using the toilets in the stalls should be in there. Wait outside the bathrooms for your friends to be done. 


I want to be with my friends Zoey and Locklyn during the block, but they are in art and art is full. What should I do? 

Should I cry or refuse to go to another room?

Even though I am sad I won't get to be with my friends, I know I can still have fun in other rooms and I'll see my friends after the block is over. I'll sign up for a different room with other friends. 


When playing in the arcade on the pingpong or air hockey table, should I hit the ball/puck as hard as I can every time?

What do I do if I want to play on the arcade machine but it's full?

Hitting the pingpong ball or puck as hard as you can will break them, or cause them to fly off the table. This can also hurt someone else, or break the table. 

If an arcade machine is full, wait your turn or ask a counselor to monitor times for you to switch with your friends. If you friend isn't switching when the time is up, tell a counselor. 


Am I allowed to hold sunscreen? Can I put sunscreen on myself? What do I do if I have special sunscreen?

NO! Counselors have to hold the sunscreen and put it on you. You are NOT allowed to do it yourself. No child should be putting on sunscreen by themselves. If you have special sunscreen, your counselor will have it for you. Not everyone has special sunscreen. If you don't you'll use regular. 


Where do our cups go after lunch?

In the black tub on the cart


Are the bathrooms a place to hang out with your friends or goof around?

NO! Bathrooms are to use the bathroom! You can have fun with your friends and be funny outside or during blocks. 


One of my friends is not using nice language and is being mean to another friend. I want them to stop, but they are my friend and I don't want them to get in trouble. What should I do?

I'll talk to my friend and tell them to stop. If my friend doesn't listen, I will tell a counselor. The counselor will help my friend realize that what they are saying is mean and needs to stop. 


After I come back from being outside and my shoes are full of sand, what should I do? Dump them on the floor? In the gym?

When I come back inside, I should go to the garbage can, take my shoe off carefully to not spill sand, and dump my shoe over the garbage to get the sand out. If a counselor sees you pouring sand in random spot, they will have you clean it up.


If I am doing waterplay, what do I do with my dry clothes after I have changed into my swimsuit?

What do I do with my clothes after I have changed out of my wet swimsuit? Should I just leave it on the ground or put the wet swimsuit in my locker?

After you have changed into your swimsuit, make sure you have ALL of your dry clothes and put them back in your locker. Double check you have your underwear!!

After waterplay, put your swimsuits in the basket labeled with your GROUP NUMBER. These swimsuits will be hung up to dry after.


What are the steps before eating lunch?

Wait for your counselor to dismiss you

Walk to the handwashing sink

Wash your hands thoroughly

Wait in lunch line with your hands to your sides

Grab lunch

Sit at the table with your friends


Can I craw under the bathroom stalls, lock them when I'm not using them, or pee where I'm not supposed to? Can I throw toilet paper all over?

Doing these activities causes our bathrooms to be noisy, dirty and broken. We want to keep the rec center in awesome shape so we can keep using it every summer!


Are all of the rooms always open? What do I do if I sign up for a room and a counselor isn't there?

Sometimes, different rooms will be closed. Not all of the rooms will always be open. If I go to my room and my counselor isn't there, I wait for him/her to arrive. I don't go into the room unless a counselor is in there. 


I'm really excited to go to my block! Can I run to my next block inside/outside? Can I skip up the stairs and jump down them to get there faster?

Instead of running, I'll use my walking feet. That way I can get there faster instead of having to try walking again when my counselor catches me running. I'll want to walk down/up the stairs, so I don't accidently trip and get hurt.