Which RRO gives you the dude sweater?
What was the weekly for April Fools in 2021?
Gold Confetti Gun
How many songs are on the radio prop?
Which RecTuber is known for counting boxes?
Energetic Ruth
How many quests are there?
Which RRO is known for having a glitched object that will fly out of the map randomly?
What are the first community chosen weeklies to come to Rec Room?
Mug Skins
What city is RR Headquaters located in?
Seattle, Washington
Which RecTuber is known for Rec Room Memes?
Which RRO gives you the Aristocrat sets?
Crescendo Of The Blood Moon
What were the first batch of RROs to come with the game when it first came out?
Paintball, 3DCharades, Dodgeball, Paddleball, DiscGolfLake, and Soccer
What was the first ever weekly in Rec Room?
Yellow Disc
When did the first trailer (or teaser) for RR come out?
When did Boethiah start YT?
Which quest has a world record time of 5m 28 secs on 3 players, Any%, and VR catagories?
Which RRO started the trend where people would be hype for a new RRO, but it would die right away.
Crescendo Of The Blood Moon
Firework Painthrower
What is the exact date that Android came to RR?
August 5th, 2021
How many RecTubers have over 20K subs?
Which quest has 1st place on the leaderboard for wins 3-4 thousand more wins than 2nd?
Isle Of Lost Skulls
What and where could players get an exclusive item when Quest 2 came to RR?
Gold Doubloon from Isle Of The Lost Skulls
How many weeklys were there in 2022?
Who is the lead artist for Rec Room?
Who was the fastest growing RecTuber in September of 2022?
Which quest does Y0shi hate the most?