High Bills
Complaints 2

Where do we record complaints in Kraken?

Events tab


Name 3 things you see on a customer's bill

Tariff, bill amount, meter reads, address, name, MTDs, payments


Where would we look for insight into high bills?

Properties or statements


Give one example of an OTOR complaint

Tariff prices, bill frequency, cost of chargeable appointments & migrating to E.ON Next


What's a verifier and give an example

Something that verifies a customer's identity - date of birth, email address, number, etc.


If we see a customer has complained before about the same issue and sent an email, BUT no complaint was logged - what do we do?

Open new complaint and backdate to date of email


When should a customer expect a bill if they're paying on receipt of bill?

Once a month


Name 3 things we can look into if a customer is complaining about a high bill

Check their readings, check for price changes, see if there was catch up reading, check their payments

Extra 100 points! Also raise a complaint for the customer


What does GOGW stand for & what does it mean?

Gesture Of Good Will - complaints compensation we give to customer due to failing on our end


Give one red flag to look out for when trying to pass DPA with a customer

Taking long time to answer DPA, avoiding DPA, major name changes, wishing to change contact details as soon as they ring in


How many times do we have to contact a customer as per our NCP?

3 times 


What are the price cap change dates on a variable tariff?

1st Jan, 1st April, 1st July & 1st October


How would you explain a 'catch up bill'?

A catch up bill happens when kraken hasn’t received readings for a long period of time and a customer finally submits a read


When can a customer go to the ombudsman?

When we deadlock, or when complaint reaches 8 weeks (56 days)


What would we advise the customer on an outbound call ONLY?

"All calls are recorded for training & monitoring purposes"


Name 4 things we need to do when managing a complaint

Apologise, take ownership, plan of action, ask cust what resolution they want 


What can we do if we get a reading that's too low compared to what we have in Kraken?

Get photo of meter reading 


What is an SLT and what does it do?

Standard Loads Test - test to check if the meter is faulty e.g. running too fast/too slow


In what instance would you 'warm close' a complaint?

When we've resolved the issue but we've been unable to get in contact with the customer to confirm this


For DPA - what else can we ask a customer apart from:

- Name, DOB, Address, Acc number, email, number

Last payment, payment method, what we supply, password


Give 5 bits of info we need in our notes when raising a complaint

Why customer is unhappy, what resolution they want, what info we need from cust, have we agreed pre-agreed resolution? Next contact, preferred method of contact, why resolution can't be provided on the same day


How do we calculate a bill?

Usage = Work out difference between different reads to figure out usage and x this by unit rate. 

Standing charge = Work out difference in days between the reads, and x by standing charge.


What can we discuss with the customer before assuming a meter is faulty?

Explore customer's usage (appliances, property, etc.), spaced reads, check for up to date reads 


Give 3 points on how we can avoid a complaint going down the no contact process

Always get contact details, get best time to contact them & method, send email nudge, give recap at end of call


Name 3 things you should do when working from home

Always use headphones, do not take photos of customer data/work screens, never work in a room with someone external to E.ON Next, do not use Alexa, etc.